Grocery Shopping

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Chapter 14: Grocery Shopping

"THERE'S NO MORE FOOD!!" Niall screams at the top of his lungs. Louis and I sit up in alarm. I look at him and he looks at me. We both get up and run to the kitchen. Niall has his head in the fridge.

"Nialler, what are you doing?" He takes his head out from the fridge.

"There's..... No.... Food..." He looks at me with a panicked expression on his face.

"Niall, calm down. We'll go get some food." Liam pops out of nowhere with Harry, Zayn and Justin.

"Don't worry!"

"Okay... So everyone get ready, we're going grocery store!" Harry announces. Louis tugs on my shirt and we start walking back to his room. He closes the door.

"Well let me get you a shirt..." He walks to his dresser and takes out his famous black and white stripped t-shirt.

"I know you want to wear it!" He says in a weird creepy voice.

"... Alrighty then..." I take it from him.

"Wear it with honor!" He shouts and I laugh.

"I sure will!" I stand there and stare at him.


"I need to change...." I take my leggings from the floor.

"Okay then change." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not changing in front of you!" I laugh.

"Aw why not?" He does a puppy dog face. I frown.

"I'll be right back..." I go to his bathroom and close the door. I change really quickly and then come out. He's standing right in front of the door wearing red pants and a plain black shirt.

"Whoa... Any closer and you would've fell on me when I opened the door." I pat his shoulder.

"Oh well that would've been exciting." He winks. "You look perfect." He smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek. We walk out and wait for the others.

A few minutes later, we got in our car. Louis drove this time, I sat on Justin in the passenger seat.... Don't ask me why I'm always the one sitting on people's laps because I honestly do not know.

We get to the grocery store. Getting out of the car, we walk together through the automatic doors. Liam and I grab a grocery cart and go in. I turn around and only see Justin....

"Um... Where's Zayn, Harry, Niall and Louis?" I ask Justin.

"I think they ran in..." He guesses. Oh great.

"Uh... You guy's start getting food.. I'll go find them." I tell Liam and Justin. They both nod.

I start walking around looking down the isles. Where did they go?... I spot Niall in the dessert section... EATING OUT OF A BOX OF OREO'S!!

"NIALL! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" He looks up at me wide eyed. He throws the box in the air and starts running the opposite direction. I start running after him.

"Stop running, Niall!" He's screaming. People start looking at us strangely. I ignore them.

I notice Harry pushing Louis in a cart... Down the frozen section. Oh my god! They're chasing after an old women!

"HARRY!! LOUIS!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!" Harry stops the cart. He turns around to look at me and he sticks out his tongue out at me and looks at me evilly. He turns the cart around and starts charging at me.

"Babe, MOVE!" Louis yells, I move out of the way at the last second. Harry stops and turns around to charge at me again. This time I run. When I turn the corner, I run right smack into Zayn and Niall. We all fall to the ground.

"Ow...." Zayn and I both hit our heads together. I start rubbing my head.

"Where did you go?" I ask Zayn.

"Well, I went in the book section to get a few magazines... And I thought Niall was following." He gets up. He holds out a hand for me to take, helping me up.

"Thanks.... Well I saw him eating out of an Oreo box!" I look at him. He looks down. Louis and Harry walk to my side. Louis wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me from the back.

"Are you okay love?" I nod.

"Yeah, I'm good... Now can we please go back to Liam and Justin, so we can help them with the grocery's?"

"That's a good idea... Let's stick together!" Zayn pats my shoulder. I'm so tired from running after Niall and then running away from Harry.

We walk all together back to where Liam and Justin were. They were arguing over what kind of chips to buy.

"Hey, got everyone!" I announce to them. They both turn around to look at me.

"Oh, that's good... Now help us with this... Regular or All dressed?" Liam asks us.

"BOTH!" Niall yells. I'm surprised we weren't thrown out yet...

"Okay then... Both it is!" They put it in with the rest of the food.. The cart is completely full.

"Whoa, uh guy's.... That's a lot!" I say wide eyed.

"Your point?" Justin asks.

"Who in the world is paying for all that?" I ask seriously.

"This wonderful credit card!" Harry waves a credit card in my face.

"Okay... And you're aloud to use it?" I don't want them to get in trouble.

"Of course we are!" Louis says.

"Okay, so we got everything we needed... Let's go pay!" Liam shouts in excitement.

After that crazy trip to the grocery store, everyone wanted to go shopping. Louis wanted to buy me a few new clothes to start off for the tour, so I would have something to wear.

"Well Vic, don't worry about clothing, we'll just get a few clothes to start... But you'll be okay after, because I got you a stylist!" Justin says with an amused expression.

"Oh, that's so cool, but I have clothes at home... We can go get them instead of buying new clothes!" He hugs me. At that point Louis takes my hand.

"Nope, new clothes for you! Let's go to Victoria's Secret... What's your secret?"

"Um my secret is I'm secretly dating a famous celebrity and might get killed by ragging fans if and when they find out... Can we just go to Wal Mart then..?" I fake a laugh.

"But I like that store, it's pretty and pink!... And they wouldn't kill you.... They'd have to go through me first!" He says excitedly and seriously at the same time.

"Um... Alrighty then... But Lou, it's expensive there." I don't want him spending his money on me, especially not there.

"Fine!... Let's go to Wal Mart then..." He sighs. I kiss him on the cheek. We start walking in the mall together. The others following us from behind. I kept turning around and they'd be looking at me. I notice Niall has a sad expression on his face.

"You okay babe? You look worried." Louis whispers in my ear.

"Niall looks like he just got his heart broken..." I think I'm the cause of that... I feel like I'm going to start crying.

"Hey, love it's okay just talk to him maybe?" I nod.

When we're done with shopping, we head back to the hotel. Louis bought me a lot of underwear, a few tank tops and shirts, and a pair of shorts. He wouldn't stop!

When we got back to the hotel, I decided to talk to Niall.

"Nialler!!" He jumps up.

"Huh?" He looks bored.

"Can I please talk to you?" I plead.


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