Saving Louis

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Chapter 23: Saving Louis

"I just love how you know it's me." He answers back. I bet he has a smirk on his face right now.

"What do you want!?" I half yell. Everyone's attention is on me. They all look at me with questioned eyes.

"Actually, the real question is... What do YOU want." He chuckles. I'm way passed angry right now, I'm furious!

"I want you to fucking leave me alone!" I yell again.

"If I were you, I'd be nice to me... Well, only if you want to see your precious Louis again." My eyes widen and everyone notices. Liam mouths 'what?'

"DON'T YOU FUCKING HURT HIM!" I scream in the phone. Everyone stiffens. They look panicked.

"I won't... Unless you don't cooperate."

".....What do I have to do?"

"Now were talkin'.... Well, you're probably not alone right now, so I won't be telling you anything until you are completely alone..... Just call back, then we can talk." He hangs up. I take the phone away from my ear. I stare at my phone. I still have the texts from him, so I have his number.

"What the fuck does he want!?" Harry half yells.

"He wants me....." They look at me shocked.

"There's gotta be another way!" Justin says. I stare blankly at the floor.

"Maybe if we tell the police about this-" I interrupt Liam.

"No! He'll hurt him if we do." I say in a panic. The only person who can save Louis right now, is me.

"Then what do you suppose we do then?" Niall asks.

"We should get a good night sleep... Then deal with this in the morning with fresh minds." I suggest.

"I agree with Vic... We need to sleep... It's midnight and we've been out all day." Sofie says. Everyone nods and tells Kenny to drive us back to Harry's house.

When we get there. Harry shows us where we could sleep. He has three bedrooms downstairs, which Niall and Cat are sharing a room, Liam and Sofie share another room and Justin will share with Kenny, since he wants to stay and keep us safe. There are three bedrooms upstairs too, one of them is Harry's room, he'll share with El and the two other rooms are for me and Zayn.

"Try to sleep love." Harry kisses the top of my head and closes the door on his way out.

I wait a couple of hours for everyone to be asleep, then I get up quietly and leave the house. I brought my phone and Louis' phone with me. I walk down the street. When I'm far enough from the house, I dial the number.

"Yeeeeesssss?" He drags out saying.

"I'm alone now."

"Are you sure about that?" He asks, making sure.

"Yes! Now tell me what I have to do!" I yell.

"Hey! Be nice!.... Go to the drug store, near the hotel I was staying in with Justin."

"Okay, I'm close to it..."

"Good." He hangs up. He's so rude. I'm kind of scared right now, but if it means saving Louis, I'll do anything.

It's really dark. About three in the morning. When I get to the drug store, I notice Selena, Jess and this guy, standing near the entrance.

"Ah, so you are alone." Selena smirks.

"Um... What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We're here to bring you to your Louis of course." The guy says. I suddenly feel a huge pain at the back of my head. I fall as the guy catches me in his arms. Jess holds a white cloth in front of my face. I vision starts to blur and I fall unconscious.

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