The Big Annoucement

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Chapter 12: The Big Annoucement

"Okay, so I've got a few announcements I'd like to make." Justin says. He looks.... Too excited.

"Yeah and I do too!" Harry says and look at me with an evil smile. Oh great... I laugh in my head.

"So, Vic is coming on tour with us!" Justin says to everyone. Liam and Niall smile at me. Louis and Zayn both turn to look at me. I felt observed at the moment.

"Don't worry, I've talked with Scooter, and he was totally fine with it." He winks. Okay, that's good news.

"Yay, we're going to have so much fun!" Louis pokes me. I smile.

"Okay, my turn!" Harry gets up from his seat and smiles.

"So, Justin and I were talking... And we've decided to add another opening act to the tour." I look at him confused.

"Who?" Louis asks, sounding curious as well as everyone else.

"THE ONE.... THE ONLY..... VICTORIA!" Harry points at me and starts clapping his hands.

"Wait..... WHAT!?" What in the hell is he talking about?

"YAY!" Louis screams at the top of his lungs and hugs me really tight. I look at Justin... He just smiles.

"You've got to be joking.... Right?" I'm mentally freaking out. What does he mean, I'm being an opening act?

"I got you to be my opening act, along with One Direction." He's smiling like crazy now.

"And, if you write at least 2 songs... You might even get a recording contract...."

"WHAT!!!?" I'm literally screaming right now.

"Yeah! So go start writing... You have about a week and three days to write the lyrics, get someone to help you write the music, and then tell me when you're done that, so we can go to the studio to get it recorded." Is he completely insane!? I sit there frozen for about two minutes.... Then I act upon my instincts.

"HOLY CHEESE BALLS!! I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME WITH THE MUSIC! AND SOMEONE TO HELP ME WITH THE LYRICS!!" I start freaking out. I decide to get up and run all the way into the room I slept in. When I get there, I jump onto the bed, and scream in a pillow. Was this seriously happening right now? And I only have a week and three days to write two songs? And to pick covers to sing!?

I hear someone close a door and then I feel movement on the bed. I look up and see Zayn, Louis and Niall sitting.

"Are you alright love?" Louis looks at me concerned. Zayn has a hand on my leg and Niall sits crossed legged on the bed.

"I'm freaking out!" I put my head back on the pillow. Then I feel someone stroking my arm. That's Zayn.

"Hey don't worry, we'll help you!" Niall says happily.

"Yeah, don't worry love, I'll help you with the lyrics!" Louis lays down next to me and starts playing with my hair.

"I can play guitar remember? I can help with the music." Niall says. I turn around, so I can look at them.

"I can make beats for your songs too... Don't worry, it'll be fun." Zayn smiles at me.

"Seriously... You'd help me?" I ask. Louis puts a hand on my cheek.

"Well of course love." I smile at them and they all smile too.

"Okay... Let's start then I guess..."

Niall gets up and leaves the room. Zayn follows, but Louis stays.

"A whole summer, with me... You'll get sick of me." Louis jokes.

"No! I wouldn't... Never!" He laughs.

"Never say never!" I laugh.

"Well too bad, I already said it!" I put my arms around him and hug him. He kisses me on the top of the head.

"This will be the most awesomest tour ever!" He exclaims. I let go of his hug and smile at him. I sit up and at that moment, Zayn comes in with paper, pens, and his phone. Niall comes in with his guitar and paper.

"Let's get started!" Louis sits up.

We work for about five hours. We've finished the first song. It's about liking someone and not knowing what to do about it.

"I really like this one.. It sounds like it could be a song, that would play on the radio!" Louis smiles.

"Yeah actually, I love it too... It's my first song I've ever actually fully written!" I'm so happy, I basically put all my feelings down on paper, and we got a song out of it.

"And, hey we already wrote another song... At the studio the other day... We just gotta finalize it." Niall tells me... Ah yes, I named it 'Met You'. So all we have to do is record the songs.

"That was such a piece of carrot!" Louis gets up.

"Um... Alrighty.." I laugh. We all walk out of the room. The others are all sitting in the living room... Organizing papers?

"Um, what's that?" I sit next to Justin and Zayn sits next to me.

"These are all the papers for the tour.. We're starting to write down what songs we're going to be performing. We thought maybe we can do a song all together, and you would do a song with the guys... And then one with me?" I nod.

"Sounds good... We finished writing my two songs!" I smile with excitement.

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