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So i was asked to make an epilogue... So here it goes -Vic


*9 years later*

It's Christmas eve. It's my husbands birthday. He has absolutely no idea that I'm doing a surprise party for him. He's presently out with the boys, recording their tenth album. Louis is turning 28 today. It's crazy to think that we've been together for 8 years. Justin and I got closer, after the tour. But he's on tour right now.. He's going to come visit as often as he can, but right now he's in Canada.

I'm putting up streamers around the house. We had bought this huge house in the downtown area of London, right after the summer 2012 tour ended. So many things have happened, since then, it's crazy. I feel a little hand tug on my jeans. I look down to see the little brown, wavy haired beauty.

"Oh, Laura! You have sparkles all over your face darling. Let's go clean you up." I pick her up in my arms. I walk towards the bathroom, when I see Danny and Daisy fighting.

"Hey, hey, hey! Danny, let go of your cousin's hair and Daisy, please be careful... That's my phone." Daisy is holding onto my phone, and is smashing it against the counter.

"Sorry mom." Danny says, I smile at him.

"Mommy, it's getting itchy." Laura, starts scratching her face. I take her hands in mine and walk towards the bathroom. I set her down on the counter in the bathroom, and turn the water on. I put her hands under the water and clean her hands.

"Auntie V, your phone is ringing." Daisy comes in. I take the phone from her hands. I smile and answer it.


"Hey, I'm coming with Cat. We'll be there in a few minutes." El says on the other line.


"Is Daisy well behaving?"

"Yes, she is. Is Macy behaving?"

"Yes she is, and she says hi."

"Say hi back!" I smile. Macy, is Liam's kid. He isn't with Sofie anymore. She cheated on him and handed the kid to him. She changed a lot, but at least we have Macy with us now.

"We're almost there."

"Okay, see you." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I finish cleaning Laura's hands and I pick her up again.

"Macy is going to be here soon, you excited?" I ask.

"Yes." She says in a little voice, with a smile.

I place her down on the couch, next to her brother and cousin. I ruffle up Danny's hair and smirk. Danny and Laura are twins, and Daisy is Niall and Cat's kid. There's also Mikey, Louis and I's kid, he's adopted. And El is pregnant with Harry's kid. My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. Macy comes running in. Daisy and Laura run up to her and start talking, they run past me, up the stairs. A door closes. I smile.

"Help..." Cat is holding a box, which has Lou's cake in it and she's holding a bunch of other bags, with presents in them.

"Oh my." I run to her and grab some bags. El is behind her, with even more bags full of presents.

"Did you guy's just buy the whole store or something?" I ask, and chuckle.

"No, we also went to pick up the gifts that you forgot to get." El says and puts down the presents at the tree.

"What presents?" I ask confused.

"Um, you ordered gifts last month... You forgot." Cat says, taking a seat on the couch.

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