Ice Cream & Gossip

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Chapter 5: Ice Cream & Gossip

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" I ask.

"YES!" Zayn and Louis yell at the same time. I smile and Louis smiles back.

"Alrighty, text me the time when you wanna hang."

"Okay, I'll give the lads your number." Niall smiles.

"Okay, awesome. See you!" I wave, and I walk out quickly.... Oh my god! Niall like's me.... NO FREAKING WAY!

I run to Justin's car. He's silently texting. I open the door and sit down. I'm so excited, you have no idea.

"So... What'd they say?" He asks, still staring at his phone.

"They said they'd text me a time, for tomorrow." I smile and buckle my seat belt.

"Well... You look unusually happy." He smiles and starts the car. He starts to drive to the ice cream place, near my apartment.

"No, I'm just.... I don't know." I start blushing and he notices.

"Aw.... Little Victoria is in love." He starts singing

"Okay.... Dude... Stop." I start giggling.

"So, you do like him?" He teases.

"Who is this him we're talking about?"

"Well, it's either Niall or Louis... Because it's not Zayn.. And that's who you hung out with more." I never thought of it... I do like Niall a little... But Louis.. I have no idea.

"I don't know... I do like Niall... And for Louis.... I've never thought about it." I shrug.

"I saw the way you guy's looked at each other when you shook hands... There was something there." He's right. I did feel a little something for Louis.. I just... I don't know... He wouldn't like me back anyway's, if I liked him...

*A Few More Minutes Later*

"We're close to the parking lot..." We're waiting at a red light. After he parked, he takes out his phone and texts something real quick, looking at me seriously.

"So, whatever we tell each other in there, doesn't leave from there." He points at the place and sticks out his pinkie. We used to do this all the time when we were kid's. We'd pinkie swear. It's like our tradition... Ah memory's....

"I promise." I start giggling and we rap our pinkies.

We walk in the ice cream place and sit down in a booth. A waitress pops up out of nowhere.

"Aw, look who the wind blew in." She smiles, her Irish accent thick.

"Eliza!" I get up and hug her. She has alway's been our waitress, and she basically knew us since we were baby's.

"Do I get you the same as alway's? One Watermelon sherbet for the miss and a Cotton Candy Swirl for the Mr.?"

"Yes please, I haven't been here in a while, and I miss that ice cream." Justin smiles. She nods and walks off. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I take it out and it's a text from Niall.

-I think for tomorrow, 1:30 will be good...- 

My phone starts vibrating again. I check the message...The number is unknown.

-Can I ask you a serious question? It's Zayn- I quickly answer him back.

*Hey Zayn, what's up?*

-Do you like Niall?-

*How do you know I like Niall..?*

-Well... Do you? o_O -


-Come on, I won't tell him. If you do like him, I wanna help you! I'll even give you advice ;) -

*Fine... Ya I kinda like him... But he think's I have a BF*

-Want me to tell him you don't?-

*Um... ya sure go ahead*

-K, I'll tell ya what he say's-

I put my phone back in my pocket. I wasn't telling Zayn about Louis because he'd probably go tell people or tease me about it.

"So, how are you and Sel doing?" I ask Justin.

"Oh, we're great. Been texting her all day." He blushes, aww!

"Yeah, I noticed." I smile.

"She's coming on tour with me."

"Aw, that's like majorly awesome!" Eliza shows up with our ice cream. Justin's eye's light up for a second, like he just came up with an idea.

"Enjoy!" She smiles, leaving us to continue our conversation.

"Um, Vic.. What are you doing this summer?" He looks at me with excitement.

"Well... Beside's being a loner in my apartment.... Nothing really.. Why?" I look at him confused. I usually do nothing in the summer because I used to spend all my time with Justin, until he left.... My parent's live on the other side of the world, and well Pattie (Justin's mom) is always with Justin so... I've got absolutely no one.

"Wanna come on tour with me?"

"WHAT! Seriously!?" I smile, is he serious? I've always wanted to go on Justin's tour. He seem's to have so much fun.. I wanted to have fun again.

"Yes seriously. And guess who's my opening act? Which mean's they'll be tagging along with us and stuff."

"Who?" I'm so excited... But the answer he gives next... Makes me shiver.

"One Direction!" He smiles a crooked smile.

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