1 Year Later

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Chapter 29: 1 Year Later

*1 year later*

I was signed to a recording contract by Sony. I had just released my new album. I called it 'Drama take it back'. There's songs featured by Justin, Niall and I've also become great friends with Ed Sheeran, so we also did a song.

"Didn't think you'd come this far? Eh?" Louis asks me. He's accompanying me to my very first interview. We're sitting on the coach, in the building of the studio. The show is going to start in an hour.

"No, I never thought I'd get this far.... And I wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't meet you and the lads." I hug him.

"That isn't true... You're very talented and Justin knew that and-"

"Yeah, but if it weren't for you, Niall and Zayn, I wouldn't have written my first song." I interrupt him and he frowns.

"You would've found a way..." I shake my head.

"Nope... You guys helped me a lot." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I guess.... So are you nervous?" He asks, referring to my interview.

"Oh, no. I practiced the song I'm performing, so many times with Max, and we rehearsed yesterday at the studio."

"You know that's not what I meant." He stares at me.

"And what did you mean?..." I look at him confused.

"I meant, are you nervous about what the host is going to ask you?" I didn't think about that. Oh no what am I going to say?

"Um... I honestly didn't think about that. Oh god.... I didn't even prepare myself for that." Louis stops me from continuing my panic attack. He puts his two hands on my cheeks, making my cheeks warm up.

"Don't over think about it.... Just be yourself, and don't reveal personal information... Unless you actually want to share it with the world." He puts one hand down. He brushes my right cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Don't worry you'll do good."

"You think so?" I ask, for reassurance.

"I know so love." He bends down and kisses my lips.

"Here let me test you... I'll ask you questions and you answer them. Okay?"

"Okay." I sit comfortably on the couch.

"First question, do you have a boyfriend?" He raises an eye brow.

"Yes I do." I smile.

"Oh really? Who?"

"Mr. Louis Tomlinson!" I say with joy, he chuckles.

"Whoa, you're dating Louis? From One Direction!? Isn't he like totally hot?" He says with an American accent. I start laughing.

"He's very hot." I wiggle my eye brows. He grins and kisses me quickly again. He lets go of me and holds my hand.

"And you my love, are very beautiful." He squeezes my hand and I giggle. The door suddenly opens. A tall blonde  women, wearing 6-inch heals and a tight red shirt, walks in.

"Hello Victoria, my name is Emily Strider, I'm going to be interviewing you." She holds out a hand. I quickly stand up and shake her hand.

"It's a pleasure meeting you." She smiles and we let go of our handshake.

"How are you?" She asks.

"Oh, I'm doing fine thanks." I smile.

"The show is going to start in a few minutes." She smiles back at me. A bunch of other producers come through the door. "The producers will tell you when to go on and such."

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