In A Different Area

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Chapter 11: In A Different Area

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

"SHUT UP!!" I scream at the alarm clock. I was having a nice dream about pretty pink unicorns... Whoa rewind... Where am I? I open my eyes and I'm in an un-familiar bed. I look around the room.. Definitely not my room... Where in the world am I....? I try to re-think about last night. All I remember is... Telling Louis I'd think about his offer, and that I'd let him know by morning. Then the boys invited me and Justin for supper at their hotel.... We had pizza, and Niall ate half of the first box and ate all of the french fries in one of the bowls.

I decide to sit up. When I do, I notice that I'm not alone in bed....

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The person jumps up and looks at me with a scared expression.... Justin?

"Why in the world are you screaming?" Justin looks at me with concern and a shock expression on his face. I hear people running and someone opening the door. I look over at the door and see Harry holding a baseball bat, Liam holding a can of spray cheese, Zayn holding a hair brush, Niall and Louis run to my side and look at me with confusion written all over their faces.

"Love, what's wrong? Are you hurt?'' Louis puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Bad dream?" Niall asks me.

"Uh... No I was confused of my surroundings... And I didn't remember falling asleep here... But when I saw movement next to me, I freaked... Sorry to have scared you guys." I give them an apologetic look. I totally forgot that I fell asleep during the movie we watched after supper. They probably told Justin to sleepover.

"No, it's alright Vic... There's breakfast, when you're ready." Liam smiles and walks out of the room. 

"Aw, I thought there was going to be some action in this room!" Harry sighs and walks out. Zayn smiles at me and waves. He looks tired.

"We'll be downstairs." Niall walks away with Louis.

"Get dressed." Louis leaves the room.

"Sorry Justin..." He frowns and messes up my hair. "Seriously?" He laughs and gets up to get dressed. I'm already wearing my clothes from yesterday, but I notice leggings and a hoodie at the end of the bed. I get up and look at it. There's a note.

-Thought you might of needed some clothes, so me and Louis went out to get you some.. Hope it fits =) Love, Zayn-

He's so sweet. I get up to close the door and I yell at Justin, who is in the bathroom.


''Okay, tell me when you're done." He says.

I slip on the black leggings. It fits perfectly. The hoodie is a regular cute purple hoodie. Always wanted one of these... I put it on.

*After Breakfast*

"I wanted to thank you Zayn for getting this for me. It was very thoughtful of you." I smile and hug him. I follow him to his room because I need serious advice right now.

"No problem Vic... So what's up?" He already knows me too well... I already consider him as a very close friend. He always knows what to say.

"Yeah... You know when I told you I liked Niall?" He nods.

"Well I forgot to mention that I like Louis too...." He starts laughing uncontrollably.

"I don't get what's so funny...?" He stops laughing.

"Sorry... I have crazy thoughts... So yeah that's a little problem.." I bite my lip... I tell him what happened yesterday with me and Niall and then what happened with me and Louis. I told him what we talked about and everything. He looks shocked.

"If I were you, I'd go for Louis... You seem to really like him more, and you seem to be very comfortable around him." He's right.

"Oh my god! Thanks Zayn! I love you!" I hug him really tight.

"What did Zayn do, to make you so happy like that?" I turn around and see Louis standing at the door. He has a huge grin on his face. I smile.

"He made me realize something.." Louis walks in.

"And what might that be?" I give him a huge smile.

"I realized that... Oh I'll tell you later!" He smiles.

"Okay then.. You promise?" He gives me a puppy dog look.

"Yes Lou, I promise." I smile at him. I walk out of the room and go see Justin. He's in the kitchen with Harry... Baking cupcakes?... Random.

"What you guy's doing?" I ask them. Harry looks up at me and gives me a strange look.

"We're making cupcakes to celebrate.. Now GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" That's surprising. I frown and walk into the living room, where Liam and Niall are. They're on their phones. They look up at me when I walk in.

"Um.. What are we celebrating? Do you know?" I ask curiously.

"Oh yeah, well Justin told us you were coming on tour with us... And other news that I don't know, that he wants to announce." Niall answers me. I sits down next to Liam.

"Oh cool... What you guy's doing?"

"Well, I think I'm going to do a twitcam with Niall, want to be in it too?" Liam asks. People are going to wonder who I am and start rumours... Oh well, I don't care. Sounds like fun!

"Yeah sure, that'd be cool." I smile and help Liam set up the laptop. Niall gets us some water bottles.

"Where do I sit?" I ask Liam, when Niall comes back.

"Um, sit in between us." I sit in the middle of Niall and Liam. "Okay, lets start." He pressed a button and the camera turns on.

"Hey guy's, what's up?" Niall says to the camera... We look at the people asking questions on the side. Most of them are asking who I am.

"Oh sorry, I'm Vic... I'm a friend." I smile.

We had fun for about an hour. In the middle, Louis joined us, I ended up sitting on his lap. When we finished Liam closed the camera and started tweeting.

"GUY'S COME IN THE DINNING ROOM, HARRY AND I HAVE A FEW THINGS TO ANNOUNCE!" Justin yells from the kitchen. We all get up and make our way to the dinning room. The table is set up with plates and a huge plate full of cupcakes. I sit next to Louis and Zayn. Niall sits in front of me next to Liam and Harry and Justin sits at the end of the table next to Harry.

"I need to talk to you guys about the tour..."

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