Be My Girlfriend

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Chapter 10: Be My Girlfriend

"Louis, stop!" He won't stop poking me and trying to tickle me. I'm not giving in. He wants me to say it again.

"Then tell me!" He holds both my hands, staring deeply into my eyes. At this point we're almost at the top of the wheel.

"I would but... Oh wait, I already did!" I start to giggle and try to break free from his strong grip... Doesn't really work.

"I'm not letting you go... And I want to hear you say it again." I stop trying to get out of his grip because it's getting completely useless. He's stronger than me.

"Okay, but if I say it again, what do I get in return?"

"Hmmm.... Anything." He winks at me and I just laugh.

"You're deciding on that later then.... Okay. Louis Tomlinson, I have a huge crush on you... Satisfied?" He smirks.

"Nope." I roll my eyes and look at the scenery. He let go of my hands, so I decide to turn around and get a better look at the view. All of a sudden the wheel stops. The sun is really strong now. No clouds in sight. Great. That's good. I laugh in my head. Then I feel arms being wrapped around my waist. He brings me closer to him. My back touching his chest. There go the sparks.

"What are you doing..?" I ask him, still staring at the view. I start breathing a little faster. My heart beat accelerates. I like when Louis touches me, it feels different. His lips are so close to my ear, almost touching.

"Turns out I have a huge crush on you too." He whispers. I'm mentally screaming of joy. I try to keep my calm, so I let out a little giggle.

"Really?" I ask him, since he jokes all the time. He could be joking now...

"Yes really... Remember yesterday when we met?" He's still talking to me in my ear, I like this. I feel comfortable. And safe.

"Of course I do. Best day of my life." He lets out a little laugh.

"Well, when Justin told us on the phone that he was bringing his best friend along to the meeting, and he mentioned that she was a girl, I was excited, to tell you the truth. Then when u came in with Justin and you stood there looking at us, I thought my heart stopped...You were not what I was expecting." He stops and kisses my ear. I couldn't help but smile.

"Why did your heart stop?.. And what do you mean I wasn't what you expected?" I ask out curiosity.

"I knew you were going to ask me that... Well its like this, when you looked me in the eyes, I instantly liked you.. I felt a connection, if that makes any sense... Then when we shook hands... Didn't you feel that weird feeling when we touched?" He kisses my cheek. I turn around, surprised.

"Yes, I did actually.. I thought I was going crazy, and didn't think you felt that too........ I told myself not to fall for you, because I didn't think you'd ever like a girl like me..."

"And what kind of girl are you?" He comes closer, picking me up and sitting me on his lap. He puts one hand behind my back and the other in my hand.

"A weird, confused, stupid-" He interrupts me.

"First of all, you gotta be weird to be human, second of all, I can un-confuse you." He winks and shoots me a flirty smile. "And third of all, you are not stupid!" I smile.

"Okay... I'm very insecure and I don't understand why you would like this." I point at myself. He lets go of my hand and puts a hand on my cheek.

"You are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen and I like you a lot because your eyes light up my world like nobody else." I laugh at the song reference.

"But why?..." He looks at me.

"Because I just do." I bite my lip. I settle my head on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and smiles.

We stay like that for a while. Then the wheel started moving again.

"Can I ask you one thing before we get off..." He asks. We're descending to the bottom slowly.

"Yeah, of course. Go ahead." I take my head off his shoulder and look at him in the eyes.

"When was your last relationship?" He puts a hand on my cheek. I feel my cheeks burning red. He notices and smiles.

"Last summer... He cheated on me with another girl while still going out with me... They slept together, and Justin was the one who found out.... The guy even broke up with me the same day... I think he was drunk though when he told me, I was ugly and he didn't want me anymore....." I was breathing hard, trying to fight back the tears, remembering him. I look down.

"The worst part of it all was, I fell for him deeply... And I thought that I was never going to find anyone ever that would love me back." Tears spill out as they run down my cheeks. Louis wipes them off.

"Hey love, look at me." I look at him. I probably look like a mess right now.

"You're beautiful, don't ever forget it... And to prove to you that there is someone out there that loves you, for you... I'm going to..." He leans in... Oh my god.. LOUIS TOMLINSON IS LEANING IN!!! I stare at him... He puts both hands on my waist and tries to bring me closer to him.

Then it stops. We're at the bottom. And my phone starts ringing. I let out a sigh.

We get out of the wheel and start walking to a bench. I look at Louis.... He's walking right next to me, trying to take something out of his pocket. I sit down and take out my phone.

Text message from Justin.

-Where are you?-

I decide to answer him.

*Talking with Louis, near the big wheel...*

-Oh, okay.. We've been on a couple of rides.. Were going in another one right now and we'll meet you there? So don't move! lol-


I look up and Louis is staring at me. He's holding his phone in his hands.

"The lads asked me where I was... Bet Justin asked you the same thing?" I nod.

"Yup..." He smiles. My phone vibrates. I look down at the message.

-Want to try that again?-

I look up at Louis.... He sent the text. I blush and he smiles... A flirty smile. I scoot a little closer to him.

"Before we do... Remember when you said 'what would you get in return' if you told me you like me?" He smiles.

"Uh huh." He gets closer to me.

"Well in return I'm letting you choose if I can be yours... Your boyfriend... More than friends." Did he just ask me to choose if he should be my boyfriend...?Oh my god...!!

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