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Chapter 6: Texting

I just stare... Is he kidding? That is like the most awesomest tour ever!

"Vic?" He waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I kind of blanked out when he said One Direction was going on tour with him.

"Do you want to come on tour with me?" He asks with pleading eye's.

"Yes! I'd love too!" I give him a huge smile. I'm seriously jumping up and down in my head.

"Awesome! I'm so happy! I get my girlfriend and best friend on tour with me!" He takes out his phone and texts someone. Probably his girlfriend.

"Oh, by the way, Niall texted me a time." He puts down his phone.

"Cool, so what time?" He's almost done with his ice cream

"He said 1:30... What do you think we should do tomorrow?" I ask taking one last bite out of my ice cream.

"Maybe the mall... Then the amusement park, because I know how much you love that.. Maybe Niall or Louis can hold you and--" I cut him off

"Oh my god shush! I'll go to the amusement park... But no roller coaster's!"

"Okay... Aw I can picture it now.... Two boy's fighting over my best friend... Bring's back memory's." I raise an eyebrow.

"DUDE SHUT UP!" I start laughing and throw him my spoon.

"Calm down!" He laughs. My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my pocket. It's Zayn. But before I can check what he said, my phone vibrates again. And Again. One from Niall... And another from an unknown number. I read Zayn's first.

-I told him... He look's really happy.... And surprisingly so does Louis...-

*Aw that's good!...*

Okay that just made me smile... They're both happy that I'm single!? I check Niall's text next.

-You don't have a bf? o_O -

*Nope, that's what I was trying to tell you earlier*

And the unknown number turns out to be Louis.

-Hey love, it's Louis, what you doin'?-

*Eating ice cream you?*

-Hanging around with the guy's.... Niall is very excited that you're single... and me too ;) -

*Aw he's so sweet... you are? lol*

I put my phone down on the table.

"Jeez, who's texting you?" Justin looks at my phone that's ringing away.

"Zayn, Niall and Louis....." I start laughing.

"You seem to get along with them pretty well..."

"Yeah I guess... They're very nice." I shrug. Justin gets up and puts a ten dollar bill on the table.

"Let's go catch a movie." I smile and take my phone, walking out with him to the car.


Niall: So that song is about.... me? :o

Me: Maybe...

Zayn: So what are we doing tomorrow?

Me: Anything you guy's want to do..


Me: Lol :P Alrighty

Louis: Zayn just told me what we're doing tomorrow. So syked!

Me: Yeah...

Louis: What's wrong love?

Me: I'm not a fan of rides... They scare me

Louis: ... Oh.. Don't worry, you'll like rides after you go on them with me and Zayn ;) Niall can hold ya... Or I can..

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