Left Behind

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Chapter 26: Left Behind

"NOOOOO!!! COME BACK!!" Liam yells, while running after the far gone tour bus. I'm running behind him, and grab his arm to slow down. He stops and stares at the road.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I look at Liam. They're coming back, this is just an insane joke!

"They're just playing a prank on me. It's just a joke Liam, it's alright. You'll be alright." Liam says to himself, while pacing. I'm still holding onto his arm. They'll realize we're not there, and they'll come back for us.

"Liam... Liam... LIAM!" I yell and he stops. He slowly turns his face to mine. He grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me.

"They left.... Without us.... They left without us.... They left-"

"LIAM!!" He stops and stares at me.

"Do you have your phone?" I ask.

"Yeah. Uh huh." He digs in his pocket and has his phone in his hand.

"Call one of the boys." I instruct. He calmly calls someone. After a few seconds he has a panicked look on his face.

"They're not ANSWERING!" He lets go of his phone and it drops to the floor. The battery pack comes out of the phone. He ignores his phone and goes on the side of the sidewalk, to sit down. I pick up his phone and put the battery back in his phone. I sit next to him. I turn on his phone and put it on my lap. I take out my phone and dial Louis' number. It rings twice, then goes to the answering machine. I sigh and hang up. I'll try Harry. I press Harry's number and wait. It rings and rings, but no answer. I go into my contacts and press on Zayn. It rings four times, then goes to an answering machine. I press Niall's number and wait for him to answer... He doesn't. I sigh. I'm getting really angry, no one is answering their phones. I try calling El and Cat, but they don't answer either. I'm about to call Justin, buy my phone dies on me.

"No.... No.... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" I yell. Liam lifts his head up and looks at me.

"Not answering either?" He asks.

"Nope... And my phone just died." I check Liam's phone, if it's open. It isn't.

"You do know, you killed your phone right?"

"Oh great.... What in the world are we going to do now..?" He puts his hands in front of his face.

"...Let's think for a minute.... You can't drive, so you can't drive us to Toronto... We're in Montreal, which is approximately 7 hours away, by car.... The show is the day after tomorrow.... It's 5pm.... Do you have any money on you?" I'm thinking out loud.

"I have a 100$ bill... That won't get us anywhere, trust me."

"Let's go to a hotel and ask to use their phone." I suggest.

"I don't see a hotel... Do you?" He asks. I look around and then spot a bunch of paparazzi running towards our direction. They're coming from the side, where the tour bus left from. I immediately get up and grab Liam's arm. He get up quickly.

"RUN!" Liam screams at me. He takes my hand and we start running. They're close behind us. We turn on a different street and keep running. We run all the way down the street, past stores and restaurants.

After about 10 minutes, we're still running. I'm running out of breath and Liam is basically dragging me. They're still following us and fans joined too.

"Vic, is that a hotel up a head?" He asks pointing to a tall building.

"I don't...... care...... let's just......run...... in!" I say out of breath. He nods and starts running faster. I do all I can to be at the same speed as him. We run up to the entrance and open the door.

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