My sunshine // Partnership AU

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"Keith get your depressing ass out of your room!"

Lance begins continuously knocking on his boyfriends door, his voice riddled with slight annoyance. "You have been locked in there for over three days."

Lance leans his head against the door. "I get it. You're upset about Shiro leaving- but you heard Allura, she said that we'll find him. We'll get him back." Almost as if it were never there, the annoying tone Lance was just using to speak with- disappears. Being replaced with sorrowful one.

"Go away Lance!" Keith yells from inside of his room. He is huddled up on his bed, staring at a picture that Coran took of him and Shiro when they first arrived at the castle. On the night that Lance was cradled in his arms.

Who could foresee that night?

Who could foresee Zarkon's fucking minions getting into the castle.

Keith brings the picture closer to his chest, holding it there for comfort.

"Get your angsty ass out here!"

Lance's voice which had become one of annoyance yet again echoes in the dark room, causing Keith to cover his ears with his pillow.

"At least drink some water or some shit." Lance mumbles, not realizing that he said the sentence out loud- Keith yells back, "I have a years worth supply hidden in my closet!"

"You liar!"

"Leave Lance!"


Keith places the photo down on his desk tucked away in the corner of his room, a desk which Lance would steal a few months later.

Or at least he was planning to steal it.

Keith stands in front of his door, his blade in hand. "Lance if you don't go away, I'll do something that you won't like." He says while the brunette scoffs, "Sure you will."

You asked for it, asshole.

Keith brings his blade to the metal of the door, making sure to cover one of his ears from the sound he's about to create.

Lance stares at the door, with his eyes on his hips. He was waiting, for something, anything to happen. Maybe Keith would use his Galra powers to break down the door and run into his arms, because he forgot how to open doors while in seclusion-

A loud sound interrupts Lance's glorious thoughts.

It was the sound of metal scrapping against metal. A sound that made Lance want to rip out his hair. He covers his ears, and retreats to the other side of the hall- trying to stay as far away from the sound as much possible; while still staying near Keith's door cause there was no way in hell that he'd lose now.

He was so close to getting Keith out, he could feel it deep down.

The scrapping sound finally stops, content that Keith has made Lance run for the hills- he walks back over to his bed- sitting down on the hard mattress with a thud.


Lance pounds on the door, his fists creating an even louder sound from before. "I will do everything I can to get your Sorry ass out of that room, do you understand?" He yells through the pounding. "I don't need your sadness mixing with everyone else's!"

It was true.

Everyone was upset, for just, reasons of course.

Shiro was gone. He vanished into thin air. And though Lance was upset, though he wanted to ball his brown eyes out- he also had to stay strong, for everyone else.

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