Narcissus | Interactive AU 3 -2-

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You want Keith to call Hunk?

So you want to assume things now, is that it?

Do you think him and Keith are still friends after ten years?

I guess you'll find out.


They hadn't spoken in a good year or so, but mostly because Hunk was away with family, and soulmate--somewhere in Hawaii or some other island far away. But Keith wasted no time when it came to rushing away from the door, the red string tied around his pinky still tugging towards the hall. Next to his bed sat his phone, still plugged in to the charger; just waiting to be picked up.

So he did just that.

Keith picks up his phone, and after typing in his overly-long password, he opens up his contacts to see Hunk's name listed as his third most recent call as of fourteen months ago.

It's not like anyone else would call Keith.

It takes a few seconds for Hunk to answer, the continuous ringing making a vein most prominent in Keith's forehead. But it abruptly stops, sending the black haired male into slight panic.

What if Hunk thought he was crazy?

What if he wouldn't be able to talk?

What if he didn't remember what happened ten years ago?

"Keith?" And the voice that almost comes out with a surprised tone takes the male away from his fantasies. "Hey bud," Keith says into the phone, his voice shaky and nervous. The two had been friends for years, so why was it so hard for him to speak now?

When he needed his words the most.

"Keith its five in the morning, what are you doing up?"

It almost felt nostalgic, talking to Hunk after all of this time. And Keith couldn't help but laugh at his friends words. He had forgotten that there was a time difference separating them, and that Hunk appreciated sleep as much as he did.

"My string, it uh--"

"Its five in the morning, what do you want Keith?"

"I know that its five in the morning that's the second time you've said that Hunk."

"We can talk tomorrow or something, but Katie and I were out all night partying n' shit and we're tired."

Oh right, Hunk had a soulmate.

"Hunk, buddy--"

"Don't buddy me, we haven't spoken in over a year and that's no ones fault but your own. Night Keith, call me when you have the chance."

The tables had completely turned, and from what Keith wanted to be a good, long, conversation--had turned into a five second one that he dreaded now. Embarrassment crept onto his features as the sound of the call ending rang in his ear.

In that moment, he felt that whatever cruel creature that was controlling his life was laughing at his poor mistake.

But Hunk said call tomorrow, so that's what he'd do. There was no use in moping around and letting this get to him.

"C'mon Keith snap yourself out of it." He mumbles as he places his phone down onto his bed. His string, which was now in contrast against the purple bruise on Keith's pinky still continued to pull and tug, but now it's strength was fading--as if the person were walking away.

Was his soulmate even out there?

And if he was, what would he look like now? Would his hair and skin still be that same, beautiful chocolate color that he fell in love with the second he saw him all that time ago? And would his eyes still shine like the blue oceans that surrounded their little world, cutting it off from everyone else who wanted access into what love really was.


Love is and always will be torture.

"Okay, let's do this. Yolo Keith--that's what everyone at school says, right?"

Thank god it was a Saturday morning, otherwise Keith would be sitting in one of the large college classrooms, trying to keep his yelps of pain to a minimum because of his string. And because it was a weekend, he had complete access to go anywhere he wanted; even if it meant following his string until the end of the Earth.

So Keith set up this plan in his mind, a well-thought out one at that.

Step one, he'd get dressed; look presentable.

Step two, leave his apartment.

Step three, find his soulmate.

All three steps were perfect, at least in Keith's mind, and completely attainable.


It takes Keith about an hour to get ready, since turning his already crappy morning into a better one was more difficult than he expected. But after he takes a shower, and styles his hair so that it's in a low bun, things were almost looking up.

So here he was, standing in front of the closed apartment door; his string still pulling from underneath the large piece of wood. But something catches his attention in the corner of his eye, a bright yellow bouquet of flowers, better known as daffodils.

He had almost forgotten that his mother sent them to him for his birthday, knowing fully well that the daffodil flower was his favorite out of the hundreds he could've chosen from. So when the flowers arrived a few days prior, a smile found its way onto his lips.

Keith walks towards his small, wooden table and gingerly takes one of the daffodils in between his fingers. "You'll clear things up with Hunk tomorrow, but for right now you need to do something for yourself. Don't let your bed stay empty and cold, find your soulmate." Keith says to himself, trying to justify why he's doing this to begin with.

Its not like he's ever had interest in his soulmate before.

So why right here, right now, why was Keith going out into the world to follow a red string that may lead him to nothing?

Keith walks back to his door, and turns the door knob. The daffodil in his hand, his bangs falling in front of his face as the door opens.

Revealing a face from ten years ago, with the same brown hair, and blue eyes.


Would you consider Keith calling Hunk a--bad option?

As I said, think carefully and take into consideration the options available to you,

because not everything is as it seems.

1. Keith closes the door.

2. Keith says, "Hello."

3. The person standing before him says, "Hello."

4. None of them say anything.

5. Keith hands him the daffodil, without explanation.

Different perspectives of stories are hard to come by, so think about every single available one when making your decision.

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