Chapter one

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Tigress: 7

(y/n): 8

Tai Lung: 9

Flash back ended~ 

3rd Person Pov

(y/n) cried as she was beaten by her mother. "Please, mom! I'm sorry I won't do it again!" Her mother didn't listen and continued to beat her. Red stain's covered the young girls snow white and black striped fur. Tigress watched in horror and couldn't do anything. "Mom! Please leave her alone!" The drunken woman turned around and growled at the younger orange Tiger. "Get out of here! Leave me with your pathetic older sister!" Tigress cried and fell to her knees. "Please! Stop hurting her!" The mother shook her head and slapped Tigress to the wall. "Tigress!" (y/n) yelled running to her sister's side. "This would have been avoided if you were born an orange tiger like us!" (y/n) shook her head and dried her tears and watched as her mother walked out of the room. (y/n) looked down at Tigress and placed her head on top of her legs. She ripped apart the bottom of her kimono and wrapped it around her younger sister's head. She sighed and petted her head waiting for morning to come around.


Tigress groaned and opened her eyes. (y/n) looked down and smiled slightly. "Good Morning." Tigress sat up and winced holding her head. "You're not supposed to get up that fast. Tigress looked around frightened. "Do not worry...She's gone." Tigress seemed to relax and sighed in relief. "Come...Let's go catch breakfast." Tigress nodded and followed her sister out of their room and to the field from the hole in their wall. They walked through the forest and to the river. They caught a few fish and were about to carry them back until they heard shuffling in the bushes. (y/n) pushed Tigress behind her and glared. "Who's there?!" The bushes shook some more and out came a small snow leopard boy. He smiled and waved. "Hi! I-I'm sorry I was staring at you guys. I just wanted to know the village." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Know the village?" The boy nodded and smiled. "Hi, my name is Tai Lung! And I live in the J palace." (Y/n) smile and shook his hand. "I am (y/n). And this is my younger sister Tigress." Tai Lung smiled and shook the young tiger's hand. "I hope we will meet again soon...miss (y/n)." The young girl blushed and smiled. "I hope so to Tai Lung."  "What about tonight?" She nodded and watched as he smiled and waved and walked away. Tigress looked towards her sister and smiled. "You have a boyfriend." She looked towards her sister and laughed. "Come. Let's go cook this and eat." Tigress nodded and followed behind.


(y/n) looked in the mirror and smiled. She placed her Long black hair in a ponytail and wore her blue kimono (like Katara's from avatar) Tigress wore a red kimono-like her sister and smiled. "Well well well...where do you think you two are going?" Both sisters gasped and turned seeing their father and his group of buddies. "Tigress." She looked towards her sister with fear. "Run...go get help." Tigress nodded and ran out of the hole and into the woods. The older male laughed and grabbed (y/n) by her throat and threw her on the bed. "Your a cute one aren't ya?"'the young females eyes widen and she started kicking around. "P-Please! Leave me alone." He laughed and turned toward his friends. "After I'm done with her you boys can play with her." The males laughed and high fives each other. The male laughed and picked up his knife and pointed it towards her neck. "Don't worry hunny...I'll be gentle." She closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs. Just then he was kicked off of her having her gasp and sit up. She looked around then gasped seeing a figure jump in front of her. She looked closely seeing Tai Lung standing in front of her protectively. "Touch her and you'll regret it." The males laughed and lunged at him. (y/n) screamed and covered her face waiting for a blow to be made but nothing happened. She opened her eyes and gasped seeing all the men on the floor beaten and unconscious. Tai Lung placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. "How dare you! Beaten and was about to rape a little girl...What is the matter with you!" He stomped his foot and turned around. "Are you alright (y/n)?" She didn't say anything and started breathing hard. "(y/n)?" She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face. "W-What? D-Don't cry! P-Please don't cry!" He bent down and started to wipe her tears away but more came down. "Hey, There's no need to cry...I'll protect you." She looked up at him and stopped crying. He sighed with relief then gasped when she hugged him. "Thank you." He slowly wrapped his arms around her and patted her back. "No Problem." They pulled away and she looked around and sighed. "Where are me and Tigress gonna live now?...Wait! Tigress! Where is she!?" Ta Lung smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Do not worry! She's back at the J palace." (Y/n) sighed with relief and smiled. "Now come on. We need to go back to the palace." (y/n) nodded and they both jumped off the bed and walked out of the hole and into the woods. "Jump on my back." She stopped walking and turned towards him. "Huh?" He smiled and bent down. "Come on! Jump on. I'll take us up." She sighed and jumped onto his back and screamed as he jumped high into the air. "Open your eyes." She held onto him tighter. "What?! Are you crazy?" He chuckled and placed his hand on hers. "First of all,'re chocking me. Second of your eye's." (y/n) loosened her grip and opened her (e/c) eyes and gasped. "W-Wow..." He smiled and jumped up the stairs. "I-It's beautiful." He smiled and looked up ahead to the lights of the J palace. " is." He jumped to the top and ran inside of the J-palace and into a room where a red panda and old turtle and Tigress. She gasped and jumped off Tai Lung's back and hugged Tigress that ran up to her. "Oh, Sis! I was so worried!" (y/n) chuckled lightly and petted Tigress's head. "I am fine Tigress...thanks to Tai Lung." He smiled and stood up proudly. " was nothin. Just a little warrior move." (y/n) scoffed and elbowed his side having him laugh. "Excuse me but...Where will we go?" The red panda stroked his mustache and thought for a moment. "Stay here with us." The turtle said smiling. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Yes. And you two can also train here as well." (y/n) smiled and so did Tigress. "Tai Lung will show you to your rooms." The three bowed and left the room. "Those two girls will bring you peace and trouble. Shifu sighed making the turtle laugh. Tai Lung showed the girl's their room having them smile. The two walked in and (y/n) turned about to close the door until she stopped and looked up at the boy. "Thank you Tai Lung...I'm glad I met you." He blushed and scratched the back of his head. " problem." (y/n) smiled and kissed his cheek and closed the door. He stood there blushing madly. He smiled to himself and walked towards his room right across from theirs. 

Flashback ended~ 

(y/n) shot up with sweat dripping down her forehead. Tigress shot up and looked towards her sister. "What is it? are you alright?" (y/n) sighed and smiled and placed her paw on her shoulder. "Yes...I am alright...just a nightmare." Tigress nodded and sighed. "It's time to get up anyways." (y/n) nodded and rubbed her belly. "Do you know when you will be due?" (y/n) shrugged and stood up. "'re stomach is a lot bigger now." Yes, is." Both females walked towards the door and opened it revealing Monkey who was about to knock. "Uh, Shifu is outside waiting for Tigress." The tiger nodded and walked out along with (y/n) and went there separate ways. "Ever since (y/n) became pregnant she was told she couldn't train anymore until the baby came out. She sighed and walked towards the kitchen and made tea. "Ah (y/n)! good morning." She turned around and smiled. "Good morning master oogway." He smiled and sat down in the chair. ".......I had a vision (y/n)." The female stopped humming and turned around. "........Tai Lung is going to escape." The female froze and dropped the teapot breaking it. 

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