Chapter 2: Fake or not?

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Brianna's POV

I felt someone staring at me when I came into the cafeteria. I glanced around and saw that Riven was staring at me. Why?

She's bad news but she is really nice. She helped me a lot with the project we did last year for Physics as well as gave me some study tips. I don't understand why people don't like her. However, I think that it has a lot to do with Bethany. Whatever Bethany says goes.

"Bri? Did you hear me?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see my brother.

"What?" I asked a bit confused.

His smile dropped a bit, his shoulders sagging, "I asked if you're excited to go to the club on Friday." He regained his smile.

"I'm so glad that you're trying new things Bri." He said, my eyes widened.

"No need to be shocked Bri, you're almost eighteen, you need to take some risks in life." He chuckled at my face and returned to his conversation with Jake.

I felt my shoulders sag, I thought Jesse would talk the girls out of it, not encourage me to go with them. I scowled at the salad in front of me.

"Woah, Riv what's wrong?"

I glanced to see Derek talking to Riven, she pulled him outside, her face was pale and her hands were shaking. I wondered if something bad happened to her or someone she knows.

"Brianna!" Bethany yelled.

I fell out of my chair and they laughed at this. I got up, dusted my jeans and excused myself from the table. I left the cafeteria my head low in embarrassment.

"Cover for me." I heard someone say.

I snapped my head up to see Riven running out the school doors.

Where is she going? I turned to see if Derek was still in the hallway but he wasn't. I shook my head and reminded myself that Riven and I weren't friends, so I don't need to know anything.

I casually strolled to the bathroom, waiting for the bell to end lunch. I entered the bathroom and went into a stall to do my business.

As I was finished I heard someone entered.

"Oh my gosh! Did you hear that Silver Shadow and her gang are in uptown right now? I mean they're so cool and the guys are soooo hot." A squeaky voice said.

"I know right, I wish one of them would save me and then maybe date me." Squeaky voice's friend squealed.

"Anyways, Stacey told me that Sara and Lucy are going to the club on Friday." Squeaky' friend said.

"Yes! I heard that. They're going with their loser friend. Umm, what's her name again? Bertha? Noo, right Brianna." The squeaky voice replied.

"Yeah, apparently they're gonna ditch her with some guy, I think, or is it that they're gonna prank her at the club? I can't remember." Squeaky's friend said.

"Who cares," Squeaky replied, "they're getting rid of her, so it's about time. She's such a nerd and she's only popular because of her sexy brother Jesse." Squeaky said.

"Mmmh, Jesse," Squeaky's friend said dreamily, "I so want him but he's Bethany's." She sighed.

I stared at the bathroom door waiting for them to leave. When I heard their heels clacking against the ground and the door close, I peeked to see if they're gone.

I came out of the stall and looked in the mirror. My blue eyes bright and shiny since there are tears in my eyes. I glanced down at my body. I'm okay, sure I'm pale but so is half the student body.

I have dirty blonde hair, that is naturally wavy but I straighten it because that's what Bethany wants and Jesse agrees with her. My clothes are normal, maybe not the designer clothes the rest of them wears but I'm comfortable.

I glanced at my reflection, my lips trembled and my shoulders shook. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and opened the faucet and washed my face.

I don't even know why I'm friends with them. Oh, wait, my brother is their best bud so of course he wants to include you despite your discomfort and you're too nice to let him down. I chuckled dryly at this.

Gosh, I'm pathetic!


Well, I better get to class.


Jesse's POV

"Yeah guys, I'm gonna get something from my locker," I said to them and left.

I strolled through the halls, waving at smiling at some students. I wondered where Brianna ran off to. I knew that I shouldn't have laughed at her but it was funny and my friends were laughing too.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Riven running towards me. We both crashed to the floor. I looked up to see Riven rubbing her head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for bumping into....." She started to apologize but stopped when she saw that it was me, she frowned.

"Well apology accepted but can you please get off of me, you're heavy," I said and she glanced at our position since she was straddling me and got off quickly.

"Of all the people to bump into, it had to be you," she said while scowling at me.

"Whatever princess," I said then looked at her closely. She had a bruise on her jaw and there was something red on her forehead.

"Is that blood?" I questioned and pointed to her head.

Her hand went up quickly and she winced as she touched it. So it was blood.

"No it's just some ketchup, must have accidentally passed my hand on my head when it was dirty," she lied.

"Sure," I said like I was convinced, "why were you running through the halls?" I asked and she glared at me.

"No of your business Warren," She snapped at me.

"Okay no need for the claws Samuels, if you'll excuse me I need to get to class," I said and walked around her.

She glared at me whilst muttering a few words under her breath. I didn't understand what she said, must have been a different language.

I got to class and was scolded by the teacher for being late but I didn't care and strolled to my seat in the back.

"Did you see the news about Silver Shadow? She saved those people uptown. She's so cool." A girl in front of me whispered to her friend.

Huh? Silver Shadow saved the day again, wonder what it was about this time. I pulled out my phone making sure that the teacher didn't see and opened the news app.

Ever since Silver Shadow made an appearance six years ago, everyone in the city has been safe. Even the police force is happy that she's here. The rumour is that the criminals she deals with aren't the normal ones, these guys have some kind of power that makes it hard for the police force to catch them but she can. Every time there's a freak attack Silver Shadow shows up.

She's called Silver Shadow because she appears at the crime scene sometimes invisible but it's what she wears. She decked out in all black, even her face is covered by her black hood. However, she carries a silver bo staff all the time.

Whenever someone describes a scene, they keep saying that it was a black blur with some bits of silver, she moved so fast that it's hard to focus on her and get a better description.

She's like our own superhero and she tries her best not to destroy the city and always leave a note saying that she'll answer police questions and pay for the damages. Everyone loves her and I don't blame them but I wanted to know who's the girl under the cape and one day I did. I learned who we were trusting our lives with.

I learned the identity of Silver Shadow.

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