Chapter 16: Identities Revealed prt 1

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Riven's POV:

I watched as Brianna and Mason left the room, deep down I knew Brianna would accept his past despite not being told personally. Brianna wasn't a pushy person so she would understand why Mason didn't tell her.

"So, Warren are you ready to give it a shot?" Tristan asked Jesse as he circled him.

"Hmmm, I wonder what clan you're from," Tristan mused out loud, "you're fit like the Argents but you lack their intelligence," I stifled a laugh at Tristan's observation.

"I am on my school honour roll and a candidate for valedictorian as well as the student body president," Jesse stated pissed at Tristan calling him stupid.

"No need for title dropping Jesse, what he meant was that you lack tracking intelligence which would be somewhat an equivalence to street smarts here on earth," Emily explained.

"Even though we are stilled trained, these tracking or hunting skills are innate," She told him.

"Alright so let the testing begin!" Daniel shouted startling Ylfa who was taking her nap.

"Danny," Emily scolded while she calmed Ylfa down.

"Sorry," he whispered before looking at me.

I stepped closer to Jesse, my hand with the staff outstretched, "are you sure you want to do this? After this there's no going back, you are going to be in even more danger now that you are aware, doing this will tap into your powers, unleashing it, an aura will be around you, making you a beacon to fae and fae-like creatures. So I repeat, are you ready for your whole life to change?"

I kept eye contact with him, it shined with so much determination I knew he wasn't going to back to being kept in the dark. He took the staff from my hand glancing at it before looking into my eyes once more.

"I'm ready."


Brianna's POV:

When the door closed Mason faced me, his face held a grimace and his eyes were still sad.

"Brianna please..." I raised my hand to stop him from explaining himself.

"Mason, you don't have to explain alright," I smiled sweetly at him, "it's a part of your past that still hurts you and it takes a toll to open up and I understand," I told him walking closer to him.

"Also we just started dating so I don't expect you to reveal everything until you're ready, I won't push you since I trust you," I said meaning every word.

He stared at me before pulling me into his arms, his lips crashing unto mines, I gasped at the force pressed against my lips but I knew why. He was channelling his loss, anger, regret, fear and happiness into the kiss. I don't know, maybe it's because we're fae but the kiss felt magical. I know very cliché of me to say but it's the truth.

I kissed him back with the same passion but instead of fear or regret I did my best to show him happiness, joy and hope. Happiness for that he's here with me, a joy that he's alive and moving forward and hope for a future with him.

"Ahem," Someone said with a smug tone causing Mason and me to pull away.

"Ummm, hi Jay," Mason said to the guy standing behind us, his face had a smirk on it while his green eyes shone with mischief.

"Hi Mason," he replied but his gaze was on me.

I didn't feel creeped out or anything but it felt as if he was analyzing me or observing me to see if I would crumble under his gaze. Even though I wanted to turn away, I didn't, I am not going to let anyone tower over me anymore.

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