Author's Note

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Hey guys! No, it's not an update, as I mentioned I've been on a hiatus due to it being my last year of university. 

In all honesty, at the moment many things have been on my plate, especially writing this book. I'm sorry to say that my heart hasn't been into this book for later chapters. I've had a plan but apparently, for me, nothing goes according to my plans. 

What I'm experiencing isn't writer's block per say but my heart and soul haven't been into it if you know what I mean. I still want to write, I love writing but right now I'm struggling to keep my grades up in order to graduate with first class honours (a dream of mine). 

What I'm trying to say is that I'm going through a slum and only recently I've started to come out of it. I'm settling other priorities first so my writing has been put on hold and it's serious since I deleted the wattpad app off my phone. I've been trying to rediscover my passion for writing, I know I write to express myself as well as bring smiles, tears and other feelings to my writers but lately, I feel that my passion has been lacking. 

Like seriously lacking, normally if a new idea is circling my brain I have like three to four pages of the first chapter done in an hour of my lectures (yeah I write during my lectures, which is bad but it can't be helped) but this time I only wrote two pages and wasn't satisfied with the end result.  

I believe that my priorities are changing and that I realized that I favoured writing over my studies and since I'm in my last year it's dawned on me that I can't do that. My studies need to come before my writing (until I'm finished studying which is next year May). 

So again thank you for being patient with me, I really appreciate it. Maybe during the Christmas vacation I might do some rewriting and fixing certain chapters but no promises guys.

Have an awesome night/day

Love Danielle!

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