Chapter 6: Cat's out of the bag

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Riven's POV

I can't believe I slept in at Jesse's. I mean I normally sleep till morning but I got up really late this morning, got a shower and came out to see his sister in the room.

I'm not usually this careless, I need to be careful next time. Wait what am I even saying? There shouldn't be a next time.

Okay calm down Riven, deep breaths all Brianna knows is that you know Jesse, that's all. She doesn't know who you really are.

It's not like she saw your face.

Oh wait, she did!

Oh, be quiet you! Yes, she saw my face, Jesse did multiple times and didn't figure out it was you.

But you've been hanging out with Brianna for a week now, she's bound to make a connection.

Yes and no, my face may look similar but I have different eyes, hair type and colour.

It will happen eventually.

Ughh, I hate it when you're right.

I don't even know why I talk to Jesse when I'm Silver Shadow. Sure he plays the damsel in distress role pretty good but besides that, I'm suppose to keep the contact to a minimum.

He did annoy me at first, showing up in the midst of the danger, trying to find out who I am.

I argued, yelled at him many times but one time it got really bad and he got caught in the mid fire.

I had to stop fighting the boss behind the operation to save him. The boss got away but Mason and the others were able to get him.

I got really angry at him, that I said some things that were really harsh and inconsiderate. He left and I still in my rage went off to cool off.

When I did the next day when I saw him in school, I regretted telling him those things and decided to apologize but before I could get there.

I was ambushed by some rouge Fae working for Elenora. I tried to call for help but they somehow blocked my signal so I had to flee when I couldn't handle anymore.

I ended up transporting to Jesse's rooftop since that's where I usually dropped him off. He heard me and rushed outside when he saw my condition.

I was so weak but before I blacked out I told him I'm sorry. When I regained consciousness, Jesse had some food there for me as well as some bandages and a first aid kit.

He had seen about my visible wounds but he knew that I would heal once I got food and rest. I thanked him for his help before apologizing once more for my temper the other day. He apologized also.

After that, we talked a lot about our childhood and different interests. It felt so good to talk to someone different, someone who didn't know me. It was refreshing getting a new perspective on life.

I believe that we became friends after that, I don't know. He would help me out if I needed to rest and refuel while I would help him with information for an anonymous news blog.

He posted interviews with me and the gang and kept everyone updated on the criminal activity in the state.

I think it's best to stay away for a while, I shouldn't be hanging around him anyway, I would cause more harm than good.

"Hey Riv, what's with the sad face?" Bri questioned me as she sat next to me.

I smiled at her, "Oh nothing, just thinking."

"Okay, well you won't believe what happened to me this morning," she rushed out a sly smile on her face.

Oh no.

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