Newt & Thomas

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During the Scorch, it was crazy. Left and right problems were thrown your way.

After being chased by Cranks, Thomas and Newt came back to look for y/n. They lost her in the chaos.

They had hope that  they would find her alive. They both knew she was strong. Stronger than anyone.

And if she somehow survived an abandoned building full of Cranks, she would be legendary.

Thomas glanced with his flashlight and saw a girls body on the ground. The same hair color as y/n.

"Newt," Thomas mumbled.

Newt glanced towards Thomas and caught the same glance. Newt took a deep breath in.

They both ran nervously toward the body.

Neither of them wanting to move nor see if it was actually her.

As they glanced down, a loud noise came from the right.

There y/n stood, dirt covering her body. She had tears in her eyes, along with a smile.

They boys both looked up.

Thomas was shocked still as Newt had a lump in his throat.

Y/n hurriedly ran toward her best friends and pulled them into a tight hug. Tears flowing from her eyes.

They embraced each other, holing on as thought they would never see each other again.

They were as close as best friends could get, and they all promised themselves to protect each other.

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