Newt + Thomas

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The labs didn't get the results they were hoping for. The shoved you and Minho into your room, locking and slamming the door.

You were now scared more than you were before. If they didn't need you, what was the point in keeping you alive? You had no idea what they were going to do next.

You and Minho sat in silence. For what felt like hours. You tried to come up with a plan to escape, but it was not worth the risk. You wouldn't make it out.

As you sat, you heard gunshots outside the door.

You looked to Minho, with a look of hope across your face. His too.

This maybe the only chance you have at survival. You were determined to get out. You knew by the look on his face, he thought he same thing.

As you and Minho waited for the door to open, you were ready to jump at the person who came in. You weren't going back to the labs.

The only fate would be bad things.

Outside the door was silence.

Then, you heard the lock click open.

You glanced to Minho, unsure of the plan. But you could trust him.

The door opened.

You were about to move, but you only caught eyes with your best friend.

The person you never thought you would see again.


Tears fell down your eyes as he took his mask off.

You jumped into his arms, afraid of losing him again, and being experimented on.

He wrapped his arms around you as tight as possible.

Then you let go, as Minho was so happy, he gave Newt a hug too.

"Come on, we've got to go. Now!" Newt urged.

You followed him out into the hallway.

Guards were down. Your heart felt odd. Knowing Newt has killed people to get to you. And Minho.

He was determined, because he never even liked to think of death.
Even if it was the enemy.

As Newt led you and Minho to an exit stairway, you opened the door, and met the eyes of Thomas.

You smiled.

"I'm so glad your okay. Both of you. Actually all of you." Thomas glanced at Newt. "I'll catch up. You have to go now!I'll be right behind you, promise." Thomas finished. Hurting past Newt, who was last.

You knew where he was going.

You also knew that he would keep his promise and get out. Somehow.

"Thomas!" You stoped him.

He turned to you. "Yeah?"

"Just, Be safe." You breathed.

"I will little sis. And you too! I can't lose you again." Your twin brother kissed your forehead and left.

You followed Newt and
Minho down the stairwell.

At least you got out, knowing
you didn't lose anyone, yet.

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