Chapter 2

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The next few days were a drag. You were starting to doubt yourself. You didn't even take into consideration if you could even face him. You felt that he ignored you for a reason and that you did something wrong. What if he doesn't even want to see you? No, you didn't come all this way for nothing. It was morning and you decided that it was time to look for Kris. You took your time getting ready, you were stalling because you were nervous. You didn't bother getting a taxi. You just walked around Seoul and looked around. You had your map in your hand, you bag over your shoulder and a very confused look on your face. You had no idea where to go first. Should you find Kris first or explore a little? You walked aimlessly until you found a bubble tea shop. You had heard of it but never tired it. You went in an ordered whatever sounded good. After you paid you went and sat down. You sat there drinking quietly when you heard grasping and squealing. You looked towards the commotion and saw 2 guys with girls around following them. You recognized the guys and Kai and Sehun from EXO. Your breath hitched in your throat. You saw Sehun look at you and you quickly looked away. Eventually the crowd died down after the fans got their pictures and autographs. Kai and Sehun were sitting across the room. They were talking and looking at you then got up and started walking over to you. You panicked and quickly got up and left. You kept walking until you lost them. "Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot, they could've taken me to Kris!" You said to yourself. Maybe that's exactly why you left. You felt that you weren't ready to see him. 'I need to make up my mind. I came all this way. I'm already here, I can't give up now.' You thought. You whipped out your tablet and searched directions to the SM building. Once you found them, you were debating on going now or later so you just went back to your hotel. You plopped on the bed and screamed into your pillow. You got this sudden jolt of energy and confidence. You stood up and gave yourself a pep-talk. "Ok (y/n), you got this. You didn't come all this way for nothing. You came here to find your best friend. Kris, I'm coming to find you."20 minutes later, you found yourself at the SM building. There were fans waiting outside for them. You now realized that it was almost impossible to see him if all these fans are around. You knew what was going on but you went up to a fan and asked anyway. "Juhgiyo, what's going on?" "We're waiting for our oppas to come out." "They're inside right now?" "Nae." "Ani! They're at a hotel right now I just got the notification!" Another fan said. "Which one?" "Um, I don't know." Looks like you have to find them yourself "She looks so familiar." Someone whispered. "Doesn't she? I swear I've seen her before." First the girl at the airport, now them? The next two days you got a list of hotels EXO was rumored to be in. You went to the first hotel on the list. No luck. Second, no luck. Third, no luck. You were starting to think the receptionists were lying to you. At the end of the day, you were exhausted. As you trudged your way up to the doors of your hotel, you saw a big group of people walking towards the elevators. You looked closely. It was Exo! They were in your hotel out of all hotels! You knew this receptionist wouldn't tell you which room they were in but you got an idea. You went and got a pizza box and went to the desk. Luckily it was a receptionist that's never seen you before. "I have a delivery for a Kim Jongdae." You looked at the blank paper you had to make it seem realistic. "Kim Jongdae, you mean Chen from Exo?" "Who's Exo?" She gave you a crazy look. "Whatever, just go. Suite 1, top floor." You nodded and walked to the elevator and threw the box away when she was out of sight. You went to the top floor and found Suite 1. You stood in front of the door, your breathing got heavy and you looked down. You raised a shaking hand and knocked on the door. That's it, you can't stall anymore. You raised your head when the door opened. "Can I help you?" The guy you know as Suho asked. "I-Is Kris here?" You said weakly, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah hold on." He closed the door slightly. You heard him yell for Kris and he opened the door all the way. There he was. Standing in front of you. You looked at him, he was taller and more handsome in person. "Do you want a picture? An autograph?" He asked. Your heart shattered. "Do you not recognize me?" You asked. "No, sorry. Should I?" Your eyes watered. "Kris..." You slowly back away. "Nevermind, forget I was even here." You said. You walked away. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Your tears were falling uncontrollably and your ears were ringing. He didn't even know who you were. You really did come all this way for nothing. You went to your room and cried yourself to sleep.

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