Chapter 14

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You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and in a really good mood. You didn't have that nightmare again so that put you in a better mood. You smiled when you thought back to last night. ~Flashback~ "Well, I should get going, it's getting late." You said. "Let me drive you home." Kris said. You smiled and agreed. You said bye to everyone and left. You and Kris got in the car and rode in silence. He stopped at a red light and looked over at you. You looked back and made a face. He laughed. He slowly reached over and grabbed your hand, caressing your fingers with his thumb. He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it. You blushed and tried pulling your hand away but he wouldn't let you go. "You're going to stay here and work for us, right?" He asked. You sighed. "Honestly, I don't know." The light turned green and he started driving again, still holding your hand. "Taking this job permanently means leaving my home behind. My friends, my family. I don't know if I'm ready to leave them." You said. "I understand. I really want you to stay though." He said. The rest of the ride was quiet. When he got to your apartment, he opened the car door for you and you got out. Be walked you inside and you stopped at your door. "This is me." You said, pointing at the door. He pulled you into a hug with his arms around your shoulders. "I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look tonight. But you're always beautiful." He said. You blushed. "Thank you." He then moved his hand to your waist and his other under your chin. "I've liked you since I was 13. Even after I left, I still liked you. I didn't even look at another girl because all I could think about was you. I really love you." He said softly. "I love you too." You whispered. He leaned in a kissed you. Your eyes fluttered shut and you kissed back. His warm, soft lips molded into yours as your and his lips moved in sync. The kiss was lengthy and passionate. Despite his cold guy image, he's very gentle. His other hand made his way to your waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. After a good two minutes you pulled away but he pulled you back in for one last sweet kiss. "Think about it." He said referring to whether you stay here or not. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." ~End of flashback~ Suddenly your face fell. 'Oops, I forgot to call Soojin back last night.' You were about to call her but then you got a call from Haejung. "Yeoboseyo?" "(Y/n)-ssi, Exo has a concert coming up here in Seoul. They are going there to practice today, they don't need your assistance, but they want you to come watch. Are you up for it?" She asked. "Sure." You thought of Soojin. "Uh, can my friend come too?" "Of course. I'll text you the details. By the way, call me unnie from now on." "Oh, arraso, unnie." After you hung up, you called Soojin. "Yah, (y/n). What happened to you yesterday?" She asked. "Mianhe. I lost track of time. I'm going today to watch Exo practice for their upcoming concert. Do you want to come with me?" "Yes!" You giggled at her enthusiasm. "Ok, get ready and come to my apartment then we'll leave together. Did you eat yet?" "Ani." "Okay, come and have breakfast here." You got the text from Haejung and you don't have to be at the venue for a couple hours. You got ready and an hour later there was a knock at the door. You opened it to find a smiling Soojin. "Annyeong. What's for breakfast?" She said, inviting herself in. 'Ok then.' "I didn't know what you liked so I waited for you to get here." You said closing the door. You both looked through the cabinets and found something to eat. While you were wating to leave, you both ate and sat around. You told her about you and Kris last night. "...and then he kissed me." You finished. There was something in her eyes that made you feel a little uneasy, but you brushed it off because she didn't acknowledge it. "Wow, that must've felt amazing." She said quietly. "I did." You checked the time. "We better get going." You said. She nodded. You both got in a cab and went to the venue. When you got there, you found Haejung standing outside. "Unnie!" You yelled. She turned to you and walked towards you. "There you are. This is your friend?" "Nae. Unnie, this is Soojin. Soojin, this is Haejung." "Annyeonghaseo." Soojin said bowing. "She led you to the stage where they were about to begin a full run through of the concert. "You call her unnie?" Soojin asked. "Nae. We're close." You said. When you got inside, your eyes widened. "Wah, this place is huge." You said. "Isn't it?" A voice said behind you. You turned around to see who it was. "Hey Kris." You said. He came up and hugged you. "Who's this?" He asked. "This is my friend Soojin." "Hi Soojin, I'm Kris. It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand for her to shake but she just looked at him in a daze.You nudged her arm and she snapped out of it. "Oh. A-annyeong." You introduced her to the other. You knew she liked Exo but she said she wasn't obsessed so you weren't suprised when she acted calm. "It's finally nice to meet (y/n)'s friend." Suho said. She started to shy away and stood closer to you. "Aw, she's shy." Baekhyun said. This caused her to cover her cheek and stand completely behind you. You al laughed and you led her down to the seats and watched them practice. The whole time, you listened to their angelic voices and mesmerizing dancing. This was the first time you heard them sing live and every time you heard Kris's voice, your heart would skip a beat. Before you knew it, it was over. They cleaned up and met you outside. "(Y/n), their concert is the day after tomorrow so we need you to be here. I'll have a driver come get you." Haejung said. You nodded. You were about to call a cab but Kris grabbed your wrist. "Why don't you just ride back with us?" He asked. "Is there room for me and Soojin?" "Yeah. We took our bus. We'll go back tk the dorm and I'll drive you both back home." You agreed. You all rode back to the Exo dorm and sat your goodbyes and got in the car with Soojin and Kris. Soojin gave Kris her address and he drove there. Before she got out, she said bye to you both. "Thanks for inviting me (y/n)-unnie. I had a fun time." "No problem, and unnie?" "Nae, we're close right?" That caught you off guard. "Oh, sure. We're close." She smiled and went inside. "So, what do you think of Soojin?" You asked and Kris started driving to your house. "She's cool. Really nice." "Yeah." "I heard that you call Haejung unnie now. And now Soojin calls you unnie. So from now on, I want you to call me oppa." You looked at him with a 'really?' face. "Okay, then I'll call Luhan and Minseok oppa too." "No, only call me oppa." "Why?" His face turned red. "B-because. Just because." You just laughed. When you got to your apartment, Kris walked you inside. "Well, goodnight Kris." You were about to open the door but he pushed you against the wall and put his hands on the wall next to your head. "Have you been thinking about it?" He asked leaning down to your level. You nodded slowly. "Promise me you'll stay." He said. You sighed. "I'm sorry. I can't promise you that." You said quietly. He stood up. "Goodnight (y/n)." With that, he walked away.

Promise Me -A Kris FanficWhere stories live. Discover now