Chapter 7

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You went back to the guys' room. You all just sat around and you got to know them better. "Chen, Xiumin! Come join us." Luhan said. "Uh, we'll be right there." Chen said. "Okay?...So (y/n), do you have a favorite yet?" Chanyeol asked. You shook your head. "(Y/n), me and Xiumin are taking you away."Chen said. "What? Take her away? Is that what you two were plotting in the corner?"Kris asked. "Yup. And no you can't come. Let's go (y/n)" Xiumin and Chen grabbed both of your hands and walked out. When you got to the elevator, you asked, "Uh, were are we going?" "To the arcade." Xiumin said. "Ooh fun. I haven't been to and arcade in a long time." You exited the elevator and saw paparazzi waiting outside. 'Great, I have to go through this again.' You thought. When you walked out of the door the flashes started to go off. Chen and Xiumin linked arms with you and led you to the car that was waiting. 'At least we don't have to walk.' You thought. The ride there was filled with your laughter and talk about random things. You talked about your likes and dislikes and childhood stories. You told them a lot of embarrassing stories about Kris. Little did you know that Kris told them a fair share of embarrassing stories about you after the first day you spent with them. The whole ride was pretty comfortable. When you arrived at the arcade you saw all of the little kids and teens there and you furrowed your eyebrows. "What's the matter?" Chen asked. "Seeing all these little people are making me feel old." You said. "Don't worry about it. Just have fun. Now come on." Xiumin said. The first thing you saw in there made your face light up. "Ski-ball! I love ski-ball, let's go there!" "Whoa there, we still have to get out tokens." Chen said. "Oh, right. I knew that." They told you to wait where you were so they could get tokens, so you did. After a minute or so, you felt like you were being watched. You casually looked around and saw a lot of people staring at you, mainly girls. They either had surprised, or disgusted looks on their faces. You felt a little uncomfortable so you went to find Xiumin and Chen. When you found them, they were surrounded by people, signing autographs and taking pictures." 'Figures.' You thought. "Oh, (y/n)! Sorry, but we have to go now. Our friend is here." Xiumin said. They eventually squirmed out of the crowd and made it to you. "Ok (y/n), ready for ski-ball competition?" Chen asked. "I was born ready. And I'll have you know that I am so pro at this game so prepare to lose." You said. They chuckled. "Fine. The one with the most points at the end wins." You have a tactic that works every time. The first 3 throws you threw effortlessly to make them think that you weren't that good, but as soon as they let their guard down, you smaked them in the face by getting the balls the the holes at the top corners multiple times in a row. After the game, you beat both of them by a long shot. They looked at you with their jaws dropped. "How did you-?" "But you were just-" "I told you I'm pro." You said. "Yah! I was in last place!" Chen said. "Haha, I beat you!" Xiumin said. "You still lost to (y/n)!" "At least it's better than being last!" "Yah!" "Okay, okay. Let's just go to another game." You said laughing. You spent a good 3 hours at the arcade which worked up an appetite. "Hey, can we trade our tickets for prizes now and get out of here? I'm starving." Chen said. You all agreed and went to get prizes. You all had a lot of tickets so you got a lot of things. You even got something for Kris. After you left, you went to a pizzeria and ate a lot of pizza, we'll they ate a lot of pizza. You got a large pizza for the three of you. It would've been divided into 3 pieces for each and one left over but you had 2 out of ten and Chen and Xiumin devoured the 4 each they got. "Pigs." You said. "Yah! Who are you calling a pig?" Chen said with his mouth full. "You want to fight?" Xiumin asked. "Not with that pizza sauce all over your face." You said. He searched around for napkins but you took them and wiped his face for him. He looked at you in suprised and blushed. He looked away. "I-I could have done it myself. I'm a big boy. I mean man." He said. You just shook your head and laughed. Once you made it back to the hotel, Kris practically jumped on you. "Where have you been. Are you okay? What did they do to you?" He exclaimed. "You're started to sound like Suho when he's in eomma mode." Chanyeol said. Suho glared at him."Aish, I was just worried that's all." Kris said. "So where did you go?" Suho asked. "To the arcade." Chen said. "What? And you didn't take me?" Chanyeol said. "Or me? Kkaepsong~" Baekhyun said. "Or us?" Kai and Sehun said. "You said the arcade? Let me guess. She beat you in ski-ball." Kris said. "Nae. How did you know?" Chen asked. "She's a pro. She used to beat me all the time when we were little." He said. "Oh, that reminds me, Kris I got you something." You pulled a little dragon plushie out of the bag and gave it to him. "I saw this and instantly thought of you." You said in English. He smiled and took it. "Thank you. Do you still have all the ones I gave you?" He replied back back English. "Of course. They're all on my shelves in my room." "Yah! Stop speaking that foreign language. We don't understand you!" Lay said. "Says the guy who rarely speaks." Chanyeol said. "Well did you understand them?" Lay said back. "Well, not really but-" "But nothing. I'm taking a nap." He said. With that, he left and all of you were watching him with weird looks. "Okay then." Sehun said. After that, every one just went back to doing their own things. You were sitting on the floor playing cards with Kyungsoo. "(y/n), I was thinking about going to the movies tonight. Do you want to come with me?" He sakd. "Sure, sounds fun." You said smiling at him. Later that night, you freshened up a bit and met Kyungsoo in the lobby then went to the theater. "I always like coming to the movies during my free time." He said. "I like going to the movies too. Me and Kris used to go a lot. We even got in trouble a couple times for staying out past curfew." "I knew Kris was a trouble maker!" You saw a comedy and laughed the whole time, Kyungsoo almost spit out his nachos. For some reason, you think that Korean comedies are funnier than English comedies so you had a good time. Once you got back, it was about midnight and you were tired. "I think I'll just walk myself to my room. Goodnight, Kyungsoo." "Okay. Goodnight (y/n)." You went to your room and took a quick shower and collapsed on your bed. you were about to fall asleep when you heard knocking at your door. 'Who the hell is here at almost 1 in the morning?' You said to yourself. You looked through the peep hole and saw an unhappy Kris. You opened the door. "I was almost asleep you know." You said. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep because I have something bothering me." You let him in. "What is it?" "It's you." "What? What did I do?" "You spent the entire day with my friend instead of me." He said pouting. "First of all, I was dragged out against my will by Xiumin and Chen." You said. "But you still went to the movies with Kyungsoo." He said. "So? Why does this matter to you?" "I just don't want you spending all of your time with them. Spend time with me." He said. "I do spend time with you. Everyday at some point. I guess your friends just want to get to know me better since I am your friend." "Sure. I lost you once, I just don't want to lose you again." "I have to go back home back some point." He didn't say anything. "Don't you have to go back to work soon too?" He nodded. "Maybe I'll leave when you go back to work." "Do what you want." "Don't be so dramatic." You said. "I'm not. I'm just a little, uh-" "Say it." "A little, uh..." "Perhaps, jealous?" "Aniyo!" "What then?" "Okay, fine. I'm jealous." You leaped up and hugged him. "You were always so adorable when you're jealous. Remember when my aunt brought over her kitten? You were jealous that I gave all of my attention to her instead of you!" "I was not jealous of a cat! I was just a little under the weather that day. That's all." "Sure. Whatever you say." "I'm sorry I'm keeping you up. Go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning." He said. He started to walk out the door. "Oh, and (y/n)?" "Yeah?" He came over and looked in your eyes. He cupped your face with his large hands that were surprisingly soft. He leaned down and planted a soft and sweet kiss on your lips. He slowly pulled away. "Goodnight, sweet dreams." He said softly.

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