Chapter 10

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They called you the next day and your flight back to Seoul is in 3 days. You've been talking to Kris a lot since you've been back but you were debating on if you should tell him or not. You want to surprise him. Hopefully they didn't tell them that they might be getting a new stylist. You went to your parents house to tell them. "What? You're going back?" Your mom said. "Yeah. I got offered a job at SM entertainment." "A job? Does that mean that you will be living there?" "Well, I'll only be there for 2 weeks. Then I'll decide if I want the job or not." "What do you think about this?" Your mom asked your dad. "I support whatever decision you make." The next day at work, you had to tell them. "You're leaving for Seoul again?" Jemma asked. "Yeah. Lena, remember the person who called me the other day?" "Yeah." "It was a representative from SM Entertainment. She offered me a job there as a stylist for Exo." "Exo? That group your boyfriend is in?" She asked. "He's not my boyfriend, and yeah." "Wait, she offered you a job? As in you're going to work there and not here?" Jemma asked. "Not exactly. I'm just going to work there for a little bit then I'll decide if I want it or not." "Oh, well whatever you decide, I wish you the best." You were on a plane back to Seoul, it felt like deja vu...again. When your plane landed, you were exhausted. There was a guy with a sign that had your name on it waiting for you. He took you to an apartment complex. Apparently they rented you an apartment to stay in for the next 2 or 3 weeks. You thanked the driver and took the keys and went inside. 'I feel like they're trying to butter me up so I'll take the job. Well guess what? It's working, this apartment is beautiful!' You thought. Your phone started to ring, it was Haejung. "Yeoboseo?" "Hey, did you have a safe flight?" "Nae. Thanks for asking." "Well I know you just got here, but we need you to rest up. You start tomorrow morning at 11. A diver will be there to pick you up and 10:30 so be ready." "Okay, thank you." It was getting a little late and you haven't had dinner yet. 'Since the apartment is furnished, I wonder if the fridge is too.' You walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. You gasped when you saw it was full of food. You opened the cabinets, they were filled with food too. There was a note on the faucet at the sink. 'We didn't know what kind of food you liked so we got you anything and everything. Enjoy! -Haejung' You smiled. 'First the plane ticket, then the driver, the apartment, now food? I'm getting so spoiled here.' You thought. You looked through the variety and found something to eat. After you ate, you went to bed. The next morning, you woke up at 9. You took a shower and got dressed. Your outfit was girly, cute, and a little sophisticated. You wanted to make a good first impression. You did your make up and put your hair into loose curls. You ate breakfast them brushed your teeth, you still had time left before the driver got here. You haven't checked anything online about you in a while. You went back on that Korean celebrity news website. Since it's been a while, your story wasn't on the home page this time but you did find another article about you. It was when you were at the airport when Exo-M were going to China. '(y/n) sends Kris off while fighting tears.' It was saying stuff about you two hugging and how sad you and Kris must be and what will you do now and blah blah... It also mentioned you going home the next day. There was a knock at your door and you knew it must be the driver, so you grabbed you bag and opened it. You got in the car and rode in silence, until your phone rang, it was Kris. "Hey Kris." You said. "Hey, I didn't wake you did I?" He asked. "Why would you wa- Uh, no you didn't wake me." You suddenly changes what you were going to say because he still thinks you're on the other side of the world. "Good, I was just wondering how things are going." "They're good. What about you?" "Same. Same routine. Get up, do fan signs, go on talk shows, get bombarded, go to bed." He laughed. "Sounds fun." You said. "Yeah. I'm going to back to Seoul next week. Also, when will we get to see each other again?" 'Should I tell him or no?' "I don't know Kris, but we'll figure something out. I'm going to bed now." "Okay, goodnight. Sweet dreams." "Thanks, bye." You puffed your cheeks and blew out air. "We're here." The driver said. You looked up at the big building. You got out of the car and went inside, there were paparazzi taking pictures of you, they must recognize you. 'Oh no, I hope Kris doesn't see these. I don't want to ruin the surprise.' You walked in and saw a woman standing there. "You must be (y/n) (y/l/n)." "Nae. Are you Na Haejung?" "Yes. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so many good things about you." She said. Something suddenly dawned on you. "How exactly did you find me?" She looked at you suprised. "You mean you don't know? We heard about you from S-" "(y/n)! You're here, I knew you would come." You turned to face the familiar voice. "Suho!" He ran up and hugged you. "It's so good to see you again." He said. "You too, and what do you mean you knew I would come? Did they tell you I was coming?" "Ani, I'm the one who told SM about you." "You did?" "Yeah. I knew you were a stylist and all of the members, including myself, were sad when you had to leave, so I wanted you to come back. I knew you had to work though. I looked up some of your work and told Haejung about you and that we wanted you as our stylist." "Wow, Suho. So the other memebrs know I'm here?" "Nope, I wanted to surprise them. I didn't tell Exo-M either. I know you didn't tell Kris right?" "Right. I wanted to surprise him." "See? The rest of Exo-K is at a photo shoot waiting for me, and their stylist; you. So come on. Haejung is coming too so she can observe your work." You made it to the studio and you got really nervous. "It's okay. You'll be fine." Suho said. You went inside and Suho had you wait outside the room. "Guys, meet our new stylist." He grabbed your wrist and brought you into the room. Everyone gasped. "(Y/n)!" Was all you heard when all the members crushed you in hugs. After all the commotion and excitement went down, they started asking you questions. "Are you really our new stylist, noona?" Sehun asked. "For now, yeah." "What do you mean for now?" Kai asked. "I'll only work for 2 weeks then decide if I want to keep working for you." "Well I know you'll take the job permanently because you love us, mainly me!" Chanyeol said. "Yeah, that's it." You said sarcastically, smiling. "Yah, you never told us who your favorite member was." He said. "I told you, I don't know yet." "After spending almost a whole month with us, you still don't have a favorite? Aish, this girl." He said. The director came in. "Okay, (y/n), ready to work?" He said. "Yes sir!" You said cutely. "Let's get started!"

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