Chapter 16

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"(Y/n), wait!" You turned around and your heart stopped at who you saw. "K-kris?" He ran to you and hunched over to catch his breath. "I'm so glad I caught you before you left." He said. "What are you doing here?" You asked. "What does it look like? I'm stopping you from leaving." "So Haejung told you?" "No, actually you sent that to me." He said. "What?" You checked your messages and saw you really did send it to him. 'That's why she never replied.' "Anyways, you can't leave. I'm really sorry (y/n). I don't know why I did that. I just really wanted you to stay. I thought that would make you stay but instead, it did the exact opposite. I was such an idiot." He said. "Not the first time." You said. "I should've just asked you to be my girlfriend instead of making you. I love you, you can't leave me." You stood there, staring at him. "Then why didn't you ask me to be your girlfriend in the first place?" "I thought it would put pressure on you and you would think you had to stay here for me. I just wanted you to do what was best for you. I knew the deadline for your decision was coming up and I panicked." You sighed. "I wanted you to give me a reason to stay. I wanted you to ask me to be your girlfriend." You said. "R-really? All I had to do was ask? And you would've stayed, because you wanted to, and you wanted to be with me?" He asked. You nodded. "Aw man! I could've asked you out a long time ago." "Should'a, could'a, would'a, but you didn't so do it now." "Oh, right." He cleared his throat. "(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking into your eyes. "Yes." You both smiled and he picked you up and spun you. You were earning weird looks from tired people but neither of you cared. You yawned and Kris put his arm around you. "Tired?" "Just a little." "I am too still. Why don't I take you back home and we can go back to sleep together?" You nodded. "I'd like that." He took your big suitcase and you took your small one and you walked back to his car. You put your bags in the trunk and rode back to your apartment. Lucky you hid the key under the mat. Kris got your bags and you went up to the apartment. Once you got in, you closed the door, left the suitcases in the living room, grabbed Kris's hand and dragged him to your room. You both plopped down onto the bed and got under the covers. "When I said I was a little tired, I meant really tired." You said. He let out a tired laugh and cuddled you. You fell asleep instantly. It was now noon and Kris' phone was blowing up which disturbed your sleep. Kris rubbed his eyes and sat up, he grabbed his phone off the night stand and answered it. "Yeoboseoyo?" "Kris, where are you?! You're going to be late for our interview, it starts in 20 minutes! You weren't there when we woke up and you weren't answering your phone." You heard Suho yell on the other line. Kris facepalmed. "We have an interview today?" He asked. "Yeah, don't you remeber? You're little stunt you pulled last night cause reporters to go crazy." Suho said. Kris sighed. "Oh yeah." "Anyways, you need to be at the studio now. You probably won't make it on time so I'll stall them." "Right, I'm on my way." Kris hung up the phone and looked over at you. You were awake but had your eyes closed. "So you have to go now?" You asked. "Yeah, I have to go back to the dorm and change and head to an interview." He said. You both got up out of bed. "Well, good luck on your interview, don't say anything stupid." You said. He hugged and kissed you. "Thanks, I'll try not to. I'll call you after it's over." You nodded and both mutter a quick goodbye. Once he left, you sat on the couch. You realized that you were going to leave without telling Soojin goodbye. Besides Haejung, she's the only girl friend you have here. Soojin keeps acting really weird, especially when you talk about Kris and it's starting to raise your suspicion of her. 'Maybe I'll hang out with her today and get to the bottom of it.' You thought. You texted Soojin if she wanted to meet up somewhere and she agreed. You both decided on having lunch together at a simple restaurant. You took a shower and got dressed in real clothes and got ready for the day. You put on a pair on light jeans, a sweater and flats. You put your hair in a bun with a bow tied around it. You did your make up and grabbed your bag and left. When you got to the restaurant, Soojin was already there. You went and sat across from her. You greeted each other. She said she just got there so she didn't order yet. "So, what happened after you went home home night, did Kris call you at all?" "Actually, there's something I want to tell you." "What?" The waiter came over. "Can I take your order?" You both ordered your food and when he left, Soojin turned back to you. "So what did you want to tell me?" "Well-" "Unnie, can I get a picture with you?" A girl asked. You nodded and posed with her. "Is it true that you and Kris oppa are dating?" She asked. "I don't know. You'll just have to watch the interview." You said. She nodded and walked off. You sat back down. "You and Kris are dating?" Soojin asked, raising her eyebrowns. ~Meanwhile, Kris' POV~ I went back to the dorm to get a shower and change clothes. After I got done, I smiled to myself, realizing that I really made (y/n) my girlfriend. I left for the studio and as soon as I got there, Haejung ran over to me, her heels clicking with ever step. "Kris, they're they're for you, go in there now!" She pushed me into a room. "-then he said to the horse, why the long face! Am I right!" Suho said, awkwardly laughing while everyone else, including the interviewer, groaned. When Chen saw me, he ran up to me. "Finally, you're here! I don't think I could take anymore of Suho's so called jokes." He whispered. I went an sat down. "Ok, now that you're all here, let's get the interview started." The interviewer asked us questions about our promotions, commercials and our concert. "Now, Kris, what's up with you and (y/n)?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "You know what. About what happened last night. Is it true?" I smiled. "It is. (Y/n) is my girlfriend." "Jinja? I thought you were just kidding." Chanyeol said. "She's really my girlfriend now." I said. After cleaning things up about (y/n), the interview was finally over. I didn't mention the she was about to leave to go back home though. I told (y/n) that I would call her after the interview, so I did. ~Normal POV~ "Yeah, it's not serious yet though. He asked me to be his girlfriend just morning." You said. "I see." She said. The rest if the meal felt a little awkward because Soojin wasn't talking anymore. You just wanted to get out of there so you ate quickly and left money for your tab. You bid Soojin goodbye and left before her. As you were walking out, you got a call from Kris. "Hello?" "Hey, interview is over." "Did it go well?" "Yeah, but how would you feel if I told you I made our relationship public?" "Already?" "Yeah, I told them we've been dating since the summer and had a long distance relationship when you went back home." "Why?" "It was a better explanation for the pictures of us kissing." He said. "There's pictures of us kissing?" "Yeah, some how paparazzi snuck into your apartment building and snapped pictures in the hallway." "Oh, well then." "Yeah, anyway I hope you're not mad." I'm not." "Good, and come to the SM building, Haejung wants to talk to you." "Okay, see you soon." You hung up and took a cab to the building. When you went inside, Haejung was already there. You followed her to a room with all the exo members. "Well, (y/n), since you're now dating Kris, we figured that your staying here, but we want to hear you say it. Have you made a decision?" she asked. You nodded. "Are you staying?" You pays for dramatic effect and scanned the room looking and each of the boys, blushing when Kris winked at you. "Yes." All the members cheered and Kris came up and hugged you. "If I didn't go after you, you would be gone. I'm glad I did what I did." He said. "Me too."

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