Chapter 17

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After you told everyone the good news, you all, including Haejung, went out for a celebratory dinner to welcome you to the team permanently. Since you're staying, you have to start paying for the apartment yourself which is no problem. You also saved up a lot of money working for them the past couple weeks. When Haejung left to go to the bathroom, Suho spoke up. "(Y/n), did you know that Haejung's birthday is coming up?" He asked. "It is?" You asked looking at him. "Yeah. We were going to throw her a birthday party to thank her for everything she's done for us. Her husband is helping us, can you help us set up for it too?" "Sure, I'd love too." You said smiling. When Haejung came back, you all finished your meal and left. Haejung went home and you and the guys went back to the dorm. Once you all settled in, you met in the livingroom. You all talked about what you were going to do. The party is being held at SM in the cafeteria. You're going to transform it into a formal setting by putting out table clothes and a water fountain and have a bunch of decorations. The guys kept talking about arrangements when your phone rang. You excused yourself to answer it. "Hey, Soojin, what's up?" "I watched the interview. So you and Kris are really dating huh?" She asked. "Yeah." "Well, I just wanted to call and say congratulations." "Tha-" You were cut off by her hanging up. You just looked and your phone and shrugged. 'Okay then...' Kris came up and put his hand on the small of your back. "It's getting late, I should take you home." You nodded and told everyone goodbye. You and Kris just talked about random things on the way home, you also talked about Soojin. "I don't know, she just acts weird sometimes. Especially when I talk about you I've noticed." "You talk about me?" He said, smiling. "Of course." Once you got to your apartment, Kris wanted to spend a little more time with you, so he stayed for a little bit. Since you're staying, you have to start paying for the apartment yourself which is no problem. You saved up a lot of money working for them the past couple weeks. Also since you're staying, you need Korean citizenship and a Korean drivers license which you will take care of later. You remembered that you still have an apartment back home that still has valuable stuff in it so you need some time off to fly back home and move out and have your stuff shipped to your new place. You texted Haejung and luckily she was awake and understood, she said the sooner you get that taken care of the better. You "missed" your flight yesterday morning so you rescheduled it for the next day. Kris said he'll tell everyone when he get's back but he was pouting like a baby. "Do you really have to leave, after I stopped you from leaving already?" He asked. "Yeah, you want me to live here don't you." He nodded. "Let me come with you." He said. When he left, you packed clothes for a couple days. You called your parents to let them know you were coming home, they got excited but it soon faded after you told them you were going to be living in South Korea. You didn't tell them that Kris was coming with you. Kris drove to the airport with you and checked your luggage in and boarded the plane. The flight was long as usual and you were exhausted by the time it landed. Your parents had come to pick you up and the were to so excited to see you. When they saw Kris, your mom gasped. "Kris? Is that you?" She asked quietly. "Yes ma'am." She ran up and hugged him. "Look how much you've grow! Oh, you're so handsome! How have you been?" The whole ride home, your parents were talking more to Kris than you, which was fine because they haven't seen him in such a long time. You went back to your parents house and settled in. Over dinner, you decided to tell your parents about you and Kris. "Mom, dad, I have something to tell you." "You're not pregnant are you?" She asked. "Mother, no." You and Kris laughed. "Me and Kris are, a thing." You said. She didn't understand at first so you laced your fingers with Kris's and held your hands up. "Oh, you're dating!" She said. "Congratulations! I always shipped you two." She said. "Shipped?" You said laughing. "Yeah, isn't that what all the, what are they called, fangirls are saying nowadays?" You just chuckled and shook your head and finished eating. You and Kris went back to your apartment and you breathed in the most familiar smell that you missed. You walked around, examining all your stuff. Your dad said he would bring a bunch of boxes over so you can pack your stuff. They weren't too happy that you were moving out of the country, but they supported you. You both got ready for bed and settled under the covers. "I'm glad I got to see your parents again." He said. "They were glad to see you too. Especially my mom, I think she missed you more than I did." You said, he laughed. The next day, you woke up and got ready for the day. Today you needed to go to your old job and tell them the news. "So you're really taking the job?" Jemma asked. "Yeah." "And that gorgeous man is really your boyfriend?!" Lena asked. You laughed. "Yeah." "Where is he anyway?." Jemma asked.. "He's at my place starting on packing my stuff with my parents." "Maybe we'll come over and see you before you leave." You nodded. The other thing you needed to do is meet think the owner of the apartment complex and tell them you're moving. "No problem, all you have to do is sign these papers." After the apartment was out of your possession, you went back home and called a shipping company to ship your stuff to your new place. "We'll come and get your stuff the day after tomorrow at 11:00am." "Sounds good, see you then." You hung up and started helping Kris pack your stuff. You were taking things off your bookshelf while Kris was emptying the contents of your desk drawer, then he pulled out a pink book that had a lock on it. "(Y/n), what's this?" Kris asked, waving it around. You ran up and snatched it out of his hands. "Nothing." "Was it a diary of some sorts?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "N-no." "Then why does it have a lock on it?" You sighed. "Ok fine, it's my diary. I haven't written in it since I was 16." "What's in it?" "Why on earth would I tell you that?!" He pulled his hands up defensively. "Thought it was worth a shot." You finished packing all the little nik-knacks and small things like pictures, and the rest of your wardrobe. The next day, you did the same thing but packed the bigger stuff like kitchen appliances and other small things you didn't get to yesterday. The day after that, the moving people were there to get all your stuff. Since your flight doesn't leave untill tomorrow, you and Kris are staying at your parents tonight. You invited Jemma and Lena over to say goodbye. You introduced them to Kris and Lena was in a trance. "I'm Lena." She said, mesmerized. Jemma just shook her head. "I'm Jemma. It's nice to meet you Kris." "You too." You got to spend some final time with them before they went home. "We'll miss you. Call us every now and then. Okay (y/n)?" Lena said. "I will." The next moring when you woke up, there was breakfast on the table. You and Kris went and sat down and ate with your parents who were already dress for work. Your mom excused herself to go get something. She came back with a giant photo album. "I felt like I had to show you these before you left." She set it on the table infront of you and Kris and started flipping through the pages. It was filled with pictures of you and Kris when you were little. There were pictures of you two playing in the sprinkler in the summer time, your 7th birthday party, when the two of you went "camping" in your backyard. These pictures brought back so many memories. "I want you to take this." Your mom said. "What?" You asked. "The album. Take it with you, keep it forever." "You're acting like I'm leaving forever." You said chuckling. "It seems like it." She said bursting out in tears. "Mommy, no. Don't cry, you're making me cry." You said, your voice cracking. She hugged you. Soon you felt yourself shedding tears. "I'll Skype, call and visit you every chance I get, okay?" You said rubbing her back. She nodded. You pulled away and wiped your tears away. She looked at the clock. "I have to go to work." She said. She gave you and Kris a last long hug and left. "Don't you have to go to work too dad?" "Yeah, but I have time to drop you off at the airport." You and Kris got dressed and headed out for the airport. "We'll miss you so much (y/n). Make good choices. Kris, be good to her." "Of course." Kris said. Your dad hugged you two goodbye and you boarded your plane. You looked out the window and felt yourself sheading a couple tears. Kris leaned closer to you and wiped them with his thumb. He put his arm around you and let you cry. He was patting your hair and softly whispered things in your ear. All you could do now was wait for this long flight to be over.

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