Chapter 3

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*Kris' POV* "Kris, someone's at the door for you." I heard Suho yell. Who's here for me? I went to the door and saw a girl standing there. Wait, that wasn't just a girl... (y/n)? It can't be but it is. I used all my strength to keep myself from attacking her with hugs and kisses on her face. She's gotten more beautiful. I wonder why she's here. Wait, I'm stupid. I think I know exactly why she's here. I was really shocked to see her and I knew she would be asking questions and I couldn't deal with them right now, so I faked. "Do you want a picture? An autograph?" I asked. She looked hurt. I can't bear to see her like this. "Do you not recognize me?" She asked. Yes. "No, sorry. Should I?" "Kris..." I looked away after I saw tears in her eyes. "Nevermind, forget I was even here." After that, she left. I stood there in the door frame breathing heavily. "Kris, you alright?" Suho asked. "Yeah. I-I'm fine." I went and sat on the couch. "Kai, wasn't that the girl from the cafe?" Sehun asked. She was at the cafe? How long has she been here? "Now that you mention it, yeah. I wonder why she ran from us." Kai said. "Too bad. She was hot." "Yeah, the things I would do to her." "Enough!" I couldn't hear them talk about her like that. "Hyung, chill. What's the matter with you?" Kai said. I got up to leave the room. "Do you know that girl?" Suho asked. "No." I lied though my teeth. "Hyung, we've been with you long enough to know when you're lying. Who is she? " Tao said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "She's my best friend, or at least she was." All the members joined around in a circle on the floor. "Are you going to tell us the whole story or not?" Chanyeol asked. I sighed and sat down in front of them. "Her name is (y/n). We've been best friends since we were very young. We were always together, we did everything together. When we were teenagers, after I auditioned for SM and made it, she was very happy for me until I told her I had to leave. I still remember the look on her face when I told her I was moving. She had tears in her eyes. I told her that I would call and text her everyday, which I did. Then I got my number changed and I just stopped." "Why did you stop calling her?" Xiumin asked. I sighed. "We'll save that story for another time. I'm going to bed, goodnight." Echoes of goodnight were heard as I went to the room I share with Tao, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I still couldn't believe that she was here. Why did I pretend I didn't know her? I'm such and idiot. How did she know what room I was in anyway? Does she listen to our music? Does she like us? Am I her favorite member? Is someone else her favorite member? Will she ever forgive me? After these questions raced through my head, I finally fell asleep. In the morning, I was rudely woken up by someone shaking me. "Kris hyung, come get breakfast with the rest of us." I recognized the voice as Tao's. "I'm not in the mood, sorry." I murmured. "Okay. Get better soon. You're making me depressed already." After all the members left, I sat up in my bed and thought about (y/n). I wonder if she's still here. I needed to know. I called down to the the front desk."Can you tell me which room (y/n)(y/l/n) is in?" "Just a moment." There was a pause. "Room 605, 6th floor." "Alright, thank you." I didn't bother to get dressed and went to the elevator. I found her room and didn't think twice and knocked on the door. A couple seconds later, it opened. She looked pale but when she saw me, her face lit up. "K-kris." I didn't say anything and just hugged her. After all these years, I finally got to hold her in my arms again.

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