Chapter 9

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You woke up to a call from Suho. "Yeoboseyo?" You said in a groggy voice, rubbing you're eyes. "Hey, you want to come to the airport with us to drop off Exo-M?" He asked. "Sure, but Kris said he would just come to my room and say goodbye." "Well he wants you to come with us now." He said. "Okay, when are you leaving?" "Be ready in a half hour. I'll come get you." "Ok." You hung up. You looked around your room and sighed. You couldn't eat so you just took a shower and got dressed. The only make up you wore was mascara, water proof of course, and threw your hair up in a messy bun. You waited around for Suho and ten minutes later he was there. You grabbed your shoulder bag and phone and opened the door. "Hey, you ready?" He asked. You nodded and walked out and closed the door. "You aren't wearing make up, are you?" When he said that you felt a little self conscious and looked away. "No, just a little mascara." He smiled and said, "You look better that way. Much prettier." You smiled and blushed. You got down to the lobby and out the doors into the van with Exo-M. You sat next to Kris. "Morning." You said weakly. "Morning." He said, looking forward. He put his arm around you and you rested your head on him. You started messing with the hem of his shirt and he patted your head. Once you got to the airport, you all piled out of the van. Kris put his arm back around you and walked to bag check in. After they checked in their bags, you all walked to the security check point, non-passengers weren't allowed through. Everyone was saying goodbye to each other and hugging. You hugged Chen, then Luhan, Xiumin, Lay, and Tao. You thanked them for the fun times you had together. Then lastly, Kris. He pulled you into a tight hug. "Kris, please promise me that you'll stay in touch this time, until I see you again. Whenever that may be." You breathed in his scent and got tears in your eyes. "I promise. I'll call you every chance I get." "Kris, our plane is boarding." Luhan said softly. You slowly pulled out of the hug. "I'll miss you. Bye." You said, trying to smile. "I'll miss you too. Bye." You and Exo-K watched as they went through security. You all waved until they were out of sight. You sighed and Suho patted your back. You were kind of hoping Kris would kiss you goodbye, but he didn't. You all walked back to the van. "Chin up, noona. You'll see him again. Maybe." Kai said, whispering the last part. You made it back to the hotel and got in the elevator. "Guys, I'm just going to go back to my room. I have to buy my plane ticket home." "Okay, we have to pack anyway. We're going back to the dorm tonight. We start working again tomorrow." Suho said. You went back to your room and booked a flight back home for tomorrow morning. Later that night, Exo-K came to your room and you let them in. "I booked my flight for tomorrow morning." You said. "We're leaving now. Sorry we can't send you off on your flight." Suho said. You smiled weakly and hugged them all. "We'll miss you." Chanyeol said. "Have a safe flight" Kai said. "Eat well." "Take care of yourself." "I'll miss you guys too." You said your last good byes and with that, they left." You sat on your bed. You felt water roll down your cheeks and drip onto your lap. You wiped your tears and packed your bags. You didn't want to be bothered by social media so you just went to sleep. The next morning when you woke up to your alarm, you saw you had a text from Kris. 'We landed safely. Missing you already :(' It said. 'Thats good. I miss you too. I'm about to leave to catch my plane back home.' You texted back. Almost immediately he replied. 'Have a safe flight, text me when you land.' 'Thanks, will do.' You just threw something on amd called a taxi. When it got there, the driver put your suitcases in the trunk and took you to the airport. You checked your bags in and sat at the terminal for your plane. You started looking through all the pictures you took of Seoul and you with each of the memebrs. When you got to a picture of you and Kris, your eyes started to water. "Gate C-2, your plane is now boarding." You sighed and put your phone on your bag and got on the plane. Your plane took off and you stared out the window. You were spaced out the whole time. Once your plane landed, you looked for your parents, they said they would come pick you up. When you found them, they engulfed you in a hug. You went to baggage claim, got your back then went home. You couldn't wait to sleep in your own bed so they just took you home. When you got to yoir apartment, it was just how you left it. You texted Kris to let him know you made it home. The time difference jacked you up so you were glad that you still had 2 weeks before you had to go back to work. Those two weeks flew by. You spent you time with your parents and told them all about your trip and you showed them the pictures. When you told them that Kris was in a famous boy band, you mom became concerned. "If he's famous, doesn't that mean that cameras are following him around a lot? And if you were with him, did they take pictures of you?" "Yeah. There are several articles about me by this Korean celebrity news thing." They wanted to see them so you showed them. You also spent time to yourself. Before you knew it, you were back to work. When you walked into the studio, your director saw you and screamed. She ran up to you and hugged you. "(y/n), we missed you so much!" She said. "I missed you guys too, Jemma." Her and your co-workers were dying to hear about your trip. You told them all about it and showed them pictures. "You're so lucky you got to spend the summer with 12 hot guys." You co-worker, Lena said. "Exo huh? I should check them out." She said. Over the next week, you were back to your normal routine, getting models dressed for photo shoots. You loved your job, you loved fashion and that you got to pick the outfits and mix match whatever you wanted. Sometimes, though, you wished you were in front of the camera instead of behind it. You weren't fat, but you weren't supermodel skinny either. You were slim, but apparently not slim enought dor the model industry. You auditioned to be a model a couple years ago, but they turned you down. "If you lost 10 pounds and grew 6 inches, we would think about it. You have a beautiful natural face, but we don't think you're right for this industry." These were the words you heard that tore you apart. You wanted to be a model because you loved the clothes they wore and how confident they looked. You wanted that to be you. But things didn't work out the way you wanted them to, but you still loved fashion so you decide instead of the most industry to go into the fashion industry. You love your job and the people you work with so you're happy with your decision. You were in your office looking over the concept for the next photo shoot and got some ideas in mind. "(y/n), there's a call for you on line one." Lena said. You picked up the phone. "This is (y/n), how may I help you?" "Hello, you speak Korean?" Whoever this was had an accent. "Nae." They switched to Korean, probably because it's easier. "My name is Na Hae Jung, I work for SM entertainment. I understand that you are a stylist, correct?" "Nae." "Well, we have looked at your work and think it's very impressive. We would like to offer you a job here as a stylist for one of our groups." You almost choked on your spit. "Jinja?! I would love too, when would I start?" You suddenly thought of your job here and your friends you work with. "We know that this is a little sudden and we understand that if you took this job you would be leaving your home, so we decided that you can come here and work for 2 weeks and see how you like it. Then we would give you time to decide if you want the job." You thought for a second. "You said you were from SM right?" "Right, so at you interested?" "Yes, when should I be there?" We will book your flight for you and I'll call you tomorrow to give you the details." "Okay, thanks. By the way, what group will I be styling for?" "Exo."

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