The Long Road To Becoming A Pokemon Trainer!

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The Summer camp soon ended, as Ash and Gary introduced Professor Oak at the pokemon they managed to befriend. 

Let's just say, the old professor fainted at the sight.  


The first thing Ash did when they went back to Pallet town was to hike up a large and peaceful mountain. Up at the top, he meditated and soon felt the aura around him and the nature also pokemon.

There were some changes to Ash body and appearance too. Around a month of meditating and constant practise of aura. One day he woke up and freaked out when his eyes turned completely red! His once spiky raven black hair started to be tamed and was not that spiky anymore.

Well, the best thing to Ash was, that the zig zag marks on his cheeks faded as well.

He now could understand pokemon well, and soon befriended even more pokemon from the forests. Everyday he would wake up at 6 in the morning with his pokemon Dratini and Eevee then meditate until 7am on the mountain. Then head towards Professor Oak's lab which was a good 10 minutes away from his usual meditation spot.

Time Skip - At Professor Oak's lab - 7:16am

"Professor Oak!" An excited Ash shouted to professor Oak, waving his hands around. Eevee was running next to him, while Dratini was wrapped around his neck, "I have come to visit!"

The old professor just chuckled at the always energetic Ash. He has taken in the changes much more faster than the little boy's mother, and didn't have a problem with them.

"Ah Ash, here to start your usual training?"

Ash beamed a bright smiled as he stopped running, he let Dratini and Eevee join the other pokemon before replying, "Yes professor, but have you seen Gary?"

"My grandson is at the back of the yard helping out the new student I have. She is a really bubbly and caring person... her name is Leaf." Oak said, pointing towards where Gary and Leaf were.

Ash nodded and thanked the professor before sprinting towards Gary and Leaf. He could make out a young girl who was the same age as them and had brown hair and grey eyes. She was wearing a blue shirt with a red skirt along with a white hat. 

Ash properly introduced himself, while Gary happily told Ash all about Leaf. She was a energetic girl just like Ash, and couldn't stand in the same spot for too long. The three instantly formed a new friendship, and promised to support each other when there are times in need.

Time passed, and soon the trio grew up. They went through many adventures like camping out for a whole week with only their pokemon with them and was left without any food. But that did concern Ash because he survived with wild berries and fruits that he found by befriending the pokemon around the forest. 

One time they even went on a trip with professor Oak and visited a famous pokeball maker Kurt. He showed them how to make a proper pokemon and what caught their attentions the most was a cherish ball. The three kids who were around almost 9 years old by the time decided to try and make their own cherish balls, and succeeded.

They made cherish balls that captures a pokemon and never fails. They even managed to make a screen inside them so the pokemon inside can actually watch what was going on in the outside world in the pokeball. Ash made his red, while Gary's was green based on his eye colour and finally Leaf's was blue.

Let's just say, the two researchers were simply AMAZED. But they promised to never reveal the new pokeballs to anyone including the league and gave them the permission to make 60 more for themselves when they become a trainer.

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