A Totally Epic Day For a Battle!

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonite(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Egg(M) ~ Unknown
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type
12. Greninja(M) - two bonded forms ~ Dark/Water/Fairy
12. Lunala(F) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Ghost type
13. Solgaleo(M) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Steel type
14.  Pheromosa(F) - Ultra beast ~ Bug/fighting
15. Lucario(M) - Sir Aarons ~ Fighting type
16. Tyranitar(M) ~ Dark/Rock
17. Shiny Gardevoir(F) - Mega Evolves  ~ Physic/Fairy

"Normal speech"


Last time Ash and Lucario got an invitation to a pokemon tournament held on New Island, and he was really excited to go there. But a side of him was also in pain and angry too, because the 'pokemon master' was coming.

As they flew in the skies, Lucario seemed to sense an aura below them in pain. He then immediately informed Ash about the pokemon. The young trainer seemed to notice a pokemon down on the ground getting beat up by a trainer.

Almost instantly, Talonflame saw the pokemon and rage got into his eyes as he swooped down to the pokemon and human. They then landed in front of them, making the others go pale and awed at the sight of a massive and shiny Talonflame also an ultra rare Lucario from Sinnoh.

"Leave the shiny Gardevoir alone..." Ash growled, his voice going so cold and deep, as if it was not his anymore. His red eyes glowed with a fiery red colour, even redder than it already was. As Lucario's eyes glowed a lightning blue.

Ash recalled Talonflame silently, as he watched the abusive trainer standing his ground after a slight finch. He then regained his arrogant attitude and smirked.

"Ha! You newbie trainer can't beat me! I am the great Damian, the next pokemon master after I beat that good to nothing Red Ketchum!" He boasted, when Ash heard his father's name, his aura fired up in rage.

"I am currently looking for a kid named Ash Ketchum to challenge to a battle since he is the pokemon master's son, and if I beat him then Master Red would certainly gain his respect towards ME!"

But he made a terriable mistake.

He didn't know that he was standing literally in front of Ash Ketchum, son of Master Red.

"Well, because I am the 'Ash Ketchum' you are looking for..." Ash muttered, much to the shock of Damian and Gardevoir, "I challenge you to a pokemon battle, but if I win, then you will have to give me Gardevoir and the rest of your pokemon! No single pokemon deserves to be abused even they are weak!"

Damian then got a really wide smirk on his face, "I accept! But if I win, then you will have to give me that Shiny royal Talonflame you had and also the Lucario standing next to you! As well as some other strong pokemon you have!"

He then pointed Dramatically to Lucario and the cherish ball where Talonflame was, and inside the fire bird pokemon was currently pulling out a XL bag of popcorn out of nowhere to watch the match from the screen of the cherish ball.

To Talonflame and the rest of the pokemon

"Ooooh... he said that if he won then he would get me and Lucario as the prize, I gotta watch the first one to actually 'defeat' Ash." Talonflame said excitedly as he pulled out the popcorn to watch.

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