Two New Pokemon! The True Power Of the Chosen One Awakens!

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Dratini(F) - Dragon type
Espeon(F) - physic type
Flechinder (M) - Fire/Flying type
Gyarados(M) - Water type
Amaura - Aurora(F) - Ice type
Shiny Feebas(F) - Water type
Servine(F) - Grass type
Gabite(M) - Dragon type
Egg(M) - Unkown


Ash's egg just hatched into a shiny Feebas. And he is more than happier to have a new pokemon and family to his growing team. Now after a good night rest, he sets off to follow the road to Rota.

"Alright Eevee, what do you think of this place for a good rest?" Ash asked, asking for his Eevee's opinion.

Eevee yipped, and leapt off Ash's arms to the grass, rolling around joyfully.

Ash chuckled, this was a perfect place to rest. They have just gone through a forest into a small opening, where there is no one except them.

The opening included a natural lake with lots of ice and water Pokemon, a grassy field with flowers and a lot of grass and bug types resting there. But somehow, these Pokemon just welcomed Ash with open arms, strange. Usually they would fend off humans.


Ash hen took out all of his cherish balls from his belt, and then threw them in the air. Instantly, out came his current team - Dratini, shiny big Flechinder, Gyarados, Amaura, shiny Feebas and his Eevee joined the team.

Gyarados and his shiny Feebas immediately jumped into the lake, joining the other water Pokemon and splashing water everywhere. His shiny and big Flechinder just took to the skies and flew, enjoying the peace.

Meanwhile his Amaura, Eevee and Dratini just curled up to Ash, some resting and looking at the scenery. Eevee was in her usual spot curled up, Dratini was around Ash's neck while Amaura was on top of Ash's head.

But none of them noticed a certain grass type Pokemon from Unova peeking at them.

To the Grass Pokemon

The grass type Pokemon watched carefully, listening to Ash and his Pokemon's conversations and how he treats his Pokemon.

Something strange was that the boy could understand his Pokemon! Only the chosen one of Arceus could do that.

Wait... is he?...

"Serrrr..." Servine hissed, gathering a solar beam energy in her mouth and she launched it far away from Ash so he couldn't see it. Immediately, all the grass Pokemon came in to Servine - their leader.

Pokemon translator on

"All grass, bug and poison type Pokemon," Servine began, "that human is the chosen one of Arceus!"

Al The Pokemon looked at Ash in shock, seeing his hands glow blue and heal some of his Pokemon. And they saw that he can understand Pokemon too.

A Caterpie then spoke up, "Leader Servine, then what are you going to do?"

Servine smiled, "Remember the dream I told you all about?"

Everyone nodded their heads, listening closely to what their leader is going to say.

"In that dream, the Goddess Pokemon Arceus spoke to me," Servine started, earning several gasps from the gathered 30 Pokemon.

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