The First to the Last Badge! A Mysterious Invitation

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonair(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Egg(M) ~ Unknown
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type
12. Lunala(F) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Ghost type
13. Solgaleo(M) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Steel type
14. Pheromosa(F) - Ultra beast ~ Bug/Fighting type
15. Lucario(M) - Sir Aarons ~ Fighting type 
16. Tyranitar(M) ~ Dark/Rock


Last time, Ash has gained four more new pokemon, as well as getting a red coloured aura gloves with a golden aura crystal in the middle of them and also Sir Aaron's old staff. Now they have just landed at the first gym's entrance - the Pewter city gym.

Ash then entered, and then heard a booming voice.

"Who dares to enter?"

Ash seemed unfazed, "My name is Ash Ketchum and I am just simply challenging you for a gym battle."

The dark room suddenly switched to life. And there at the top, was a little seating area where the gym leader Brock was. He had squinty eyes, black spiky hair and was wearing a orange shirt with a grey sleeveless patagonia outside. His trousers were brown and so was his shoes.

"I see..." Mused the gym leader, but then he soon lost his cool and collected attitude when he saw the pokemon standing next to Ash. His squinty eyes popped open to reveal a pair of deep black eyes.

"Is that a extremely rare sinnoh pokemon Lucario?"

Before Ash could answer, Lucario spoke.

"Yes I am human. Now can we finally start the battle? Oh and by the way, before you ask, I am speaking with my aura."

After a few seconds, Brock gained a composture of himself again, "Very well, I will choose first, go Golem!"

He then threw a pokeball in the air, and revealed his Golem, ready to fight.

Ash smiled, he then got out a cherish ball, "Lend me your aura Tyranitar."

In a flash, a fierce looking Tyranitar appeared. He roared a battle cry, as he too got ready to fight.

Ash then took out his pokegear to scan him:

Tyranitar , the rock skin pokemon.

Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a whole mountain to make its nest. This Pokémon wanders about in mountains seeking new opponents to fight. This pokemon's ability is Guts and the hidden ability Sand veil which is unlocked. The estimated level is 

Known moves: sandstorm, hyper beam, protect, flamethrower, earthquake, dark pulse, thunder wave, stone edge, ice punch, brick break, double team, rock tomb, thunder punch, rock slide, dragon dance, iron defence, thunderbolt, ancient power, iron tail, outrage, superpower, fire punch, focus punch and aura sphere.

Note: It is uncommon for a pokemon to have this much moves leant in the wild.

Ash smiled, as the referee for this battle took his place. 

"This will be a 1 on one battle against the gym leader Brock and the challenger Ash Ketchum from Pallet town! Battle Begin!"

"We will start off as a gym leader! Golem, use rollout!"

Golem roared in approval as it turned into a ball and rolled at Tyranitar full speed.

Ash quickly worked out a strategy of his own, "Use iron tail to sent it back!"

Tyranitar roared again, as his tail became a silver colour and slammed it against the incoming rolling boulder and sent it back to the direction it came from. Golem winced in obvious pain from the super effective attack.

Brock got worried, "Ah Golem! Use Rock polish into flamethrower!"

Golem then glowed, showing that it used rock polish them inhaled a very large breath and opened it's mouth. Instantly a red hot flamethrower came out and his Tyranitar in the head.

"Are you okay Tyranitar?" Ash asked, obviously concerned for his newest pokemon. Tyranitar nodded as he slowly got back up. Ash knew that he had not that much time left and decided to use some devastating attacks.

"Alright then Tyranitar, go for an ice punch!" Ash shouted.

Brock saw it coming and countered fast, "Golem dodge and use rock tomb!"

Ash smirked, Brock fell in for his trap, "Good! Now finish it with hyper beam full POWER!"

Tyranitar roared, as a huge yellowish white beam came out of his mouth and was launched at Golem and hit it head on. Meanwhile the rock tomb has came to Tyranitar, resulting a gigiantic explosion on each ends.

When the dust cleared, they could see Golem on the ground with swirls in it's eyes while Tyranitar was heavily bruised and breathing heavily.

"Golem is unable to battle, the challenger wins the gym badge!" Shouted the referee, as Ash rushed towards Tyranitar and healed in secretly with aura and returning him into his cherish ball. He and Lucario then got the boulder badge and went to the next gym.


Narrator narrating: Ash and Lucario went through many straight days to get all the gym badges for the indigo league. But soon after 2 weeks they have finally got all of them. Not to mention being in adventures like on the sinking St. Anne, A fossil hunt, and always many battles. Plus he even attached mega stones to most of his pokemon too.


On their way back to pallet town:

Ash was currently coming back from Viridian city back to him home. He was in the forest when suddenly a dragonite appeared in front of them. He had a black bag hanging and handed Ash and Lucario an evelope. 

"What's this, Ash?" Lucario asked curiously. Ash then took the evelope and read it:

Dear Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum,

If you get this letter, then that means you have been invited to the battle tourament at New Island along with a few other really strong trainers and even the pokemon master himself. Please hand in a yes or no answer back to Dragonite. If you come, then I will look forward to seeing you there.


Ash got excited as he quickly scribbled a 'yes' and gave it to Dragonite, who took it and went into the skies again. Lucario then looked at Ash, as they both nodded and Ash released his shiny and huge Talonflame as he and the aura pokemon got on.

"Next stop, the pokemon center at the ferry to new island!" Ash cheered, as Talonflame screeched and flew off to the horizon. But none of them noticed a cloaked man riding on a Powerful looking Charizard. The man then lifted off his hood, to reveal black hair and a pair of impossible to red eyes.

"Let's go, Charizard, it is time we face the truth once more again..."

-To Be Continued-

Total word count: 1106 words

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