Lucario and The Mystery Of Mew! Part 2

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonair(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Egg(M) ~ Unknown
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type
12. Greninja(M) - bond phenomenons ~ water/dark and Water/Fairy
13. Solgeleo(M) - Ultra Beast ~ steel/physic
14. Lunala(F) - Ultra Beast ~ Physic/Ghost
15. Pheromosa(F) - Ultra Beast ~ Bug/Fighting
16. Tyranitar(F) - Mega Evolves ~ Dark/Rock
17. Lucario(M) - No stone mega evolves ~ Fighting


"You are Sir Ashton Ketchum?"

Ash blinked on his seat, a confused look on his face, "How do you know my name?"

The Lucario stared, then explained that the entire Riolu And Lucario line knows about the chosen one of Arceus and the great golden aura wielding guardian.

Ash seemed flustered by the titles he got, "Okay~"

"Now then, may I ask where is Sir Aaron?"Lucario asked Ash, "At first I thought you were Sir Aaron because your aura were the same but yours is much more powerful."

Ash then got a weird look, "Sir Aaron died around a millennium ago already. You just came out of the staff like after his death."

Lucario gained a shocked expression on his face, as he started to feel dizzy. So Sit Aaron didn't actually abandon him, but only to do that so he won't die with him?

"Lucario..." he heard a voice reaching him, as he turned to see another aura guardian, but not the same aura as Sir Aaron walked in.

He had the same hairstyle as Sir Aaron too, but this time him eyes were a deeper blue than his masters and wore completely different blue coloured clothing than Ash. Another Lucario was by his side, standing next to him.

"I know that everything confuses you here, but if you wish to seek answers to your unanswered questions, then perhaps you can go to the tree of beginning..."

Lucario thought for a moment, it was a good suggestion from Riley, seeing that he could get answers from the Legendary Pokemon Mew.

"Also Lucario," Riley added, "Ash here is going to go with you... he needs to see Mew so she can approve of him being the next head of the aura guardians as well as needs to do the ritual with the staff."

Lucario nodded in understansment, looking over to Ash. He was about to get ready to go until Ash interrupted, "No need Lucario, I will teleport is there."

The old aura Pokemon looked at Ash in confusion. He knew no aura guardian being able to teleport somewhere before, the answer to his question was the entire world being black, and reappearing in front of the tree of beginning.

"How did you learn teleport guardian?" Lucario Asked Ash with his aura.

Ash smiled and simply answered, "You see, I grew up with two of my childhood friends, and one of them was a descedant like me of a power physic guardian, so he tranferred some of his physic powers to me so I can also use teleport."

Lucario nodded, by saying the powerful Physic type user, he knew that Ash meant the Physic Guardian that was Sir Aaron's rival back when he was travelling around the world controlling his aura powers.

They continued to walk further into the tree, until they heard a beeping noise.

"Re-eg-gi-st-eel" The beeping noise sounded like something saying 'Registeel'.

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