The sea water Serpent

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Flechinder(M) - shiny


Ash was walking down the route to Viridian City in order to go to the pokemon center when he spotted a lake. Happily, he went over and splashed fresh water on his face.

"How relaxing..." He sighed, happily staring into the sky daydreaming.

"Eevee...(So nice...)" Eevee muttered, as she drank some water in the lake.

But neither of them noticed a certain pokemon was watching them, as his red eyes stared at the pokemon and trainer carefully, trying to identify them. After a moment, the pokemon's mind went off with a 'DING!' and he immediately realised it was actually his old friend Ash.

"Gyaaaa!" Roared the pokemon as he sprung out of the shadows. He then went over to Ash and licked him, much to Ash's astonishment.

"Gyarados?!" Ash exclaimed, looking at the once former magikarp that was his friend when he was little, "Is that you?"

Gyarados nodded happily, and pointed his head to one of his pokeballs.

Ash broke into a wide grin remembering what he promised him all those years ago, "Welcome to my family, Gyarados."


At Viridian Pokemon Center

A mysterious hooded man was sitting in the corner of the Viridian pokemon center, holding a bag that contained a few things for a certain someone. This man had spiky black hair and amber coloured eyes, a really dark shade of red, indeed so dark that no one would be able to tell that his eye colour was actually red.

He watched as a happy Ash skipped into the pokemon center, with an Eevee in his arms. The new trainer then proceeded to ask nurse joy for a room, which she joyfully gave him his key.

The mysterious man watched him go to his room, it was time. Quietly, with a wave of his hand, the bag he was once holding disspeared into the thin air and went into Ash's room. Suddenly, a black pokemon with glowing yellow rings appeared in front of his master, telling him that he has finished his job successfully.

"Great job umbreon, let's get going." The hooded man said, stepping out of the pokemon center, "My boy certainly has grown... His eye colour is red now too."

Meanwhile Ash reached his room, and opened the door. To his great surprise, he found a bag on the table adressed to him! Inside the bag was 3 of each pokeballs, including the rare master balls that was said to be able to catch a legendary pokemon without fail. And finally another egg.

Ash opened the letter inside and started reading:

Dear Ashton Aaron Ketchum,

You have grown into a fine young man, and have achieved much that many can't do at your age. That is why I decide to finally give you the presents inside this bag.

Use those different pokeballs well, and I know that you have those cherish balls that you made by yourself. Don't worry, I added a special screen to them so they can also see the outside world through the necklace with the rainbow wing you wear. Also the egg shall hatch soon too.

You will be meeting you soon, so I will remain anonymous for now. Remember to evolve your pokemon as soon as possible, for I have seen the future and you will need greatly powered pokemon when you face those threats.

Take care,

Ash was now confused, how could someone wish to remain anonymous? Oh well, but he decided to take the person's advice and evolve his pokemon as soon as possible. And he took the egg and placed it into the incubator, along with his other egg.

He then decided to get some sleep for tomorrow, and went on the bed with Eevee curled up next to him and snuggled into his chest. His Dratini was curled up on the other side of her trainer and already asleep. Meanwhile Flechinder and Gyarados was too big so instead they stayed inside their Red cherish balls.

Ash stared up at the ceiling, as he smiled to himself, thinking about his journey so far.

"Arceus, thank you for all the things you have done for me." He said, and went off to sleep. But he didn't know a certain Pokemon was smiling to herself when she heard her chosen one say the sentence.

"Sleep well my chosen, because for tomorrow you are going to have a long day..."

To Eevee

After making sure that his trainer was asleep, Eevee stood up silently and went over to look at the full moon this night. She then thought about her life so far, and thought about her evolution... An Espeon.

She wanted to become an Espeon so she can match Ash. She always knew that Ash wanted a physic type Pokemon, and she was willing to make one of his wishes come true.

"It's settled, from now on I will spend more time at day with Ash then hopefully when we cross mount moon to get to Cerulean then I can evolve... Or maybe even sooner."

She then went back towards Ash, and looked at his peaceful face sleeping. Smiling fondly at her trainer, she touched her head with his forehead showing a sign of loyalty and love for a moment before this time lying on his chest and went to a deep sleep.

Morning - 7:00am

When Ash woke up, the first thing he noticed was that Eevee was on his chest. Smiling, he reached out and stroked her soft fur, thinking about the times that they spent together.

A moment after than, Eevee woke up and happily yipped and licked her trainer on his face. Ash laughed and gently put Eevee on the bed, before going into the bathroom to change.

After breakfast - Training

Ash then carried Eevee out to the training field after breakfast before letting all of his Pokemon out. He had rented it so no one can disturb them in a private area.

Ash then set all of his Pokemon to train. Gyarados dove into the training pool while Dratini slithered over to the training bags and began hitting them with her dragon tail. Eevee today worked on mastering her shadow ball.

Ash took out his Pokédex to scan his Pokemon. These were the moves they knew:

Eevee- Hidden power, protect, attract, quick attack, shadow ball, iron tail, trump card and aura sphere.

Dratini- Aqua tail, iron tail, Wrap, Dragon tail, dragon pulse, thunder wave, thunder bolt, flamethrower and aura sphere.

Flechinder- Flame charge, Brave bird, Air slash, Sky Attack, flamethrower, Aerial ace, tailwind and aura sphere.

Gyarados- Hydro pump, thunderbolt, flamethrower, dragon dance, dragon pulse, waterfall, hyper beam, dragon tail, Aqua tail and aura sphere.

Ash nodded, the reason why they knew aura sphere was because Ash taught them with his aura many years ago.

One hour later, when they all finished their training Ash returned them all into their pokeballs and Eevee in his arms as he left The Pokemon Center and went for Pewter city.

Total word count: 1180 words

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