Almost to Rota! The Evolution Festival!

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonair(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Egg(M) ~ Unknown
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type


Ash continued his journey after a good night rest as he crossed a festival going on near Vermillion city - close to Rota. It seemed like it was a evolution festival so he participated.

Later on Ash gathered info that this festival was called the 'evolution festival' because they provide you with evolution stones for evolving pokemon. Then each trainer goes onto the stage and evolve their pokemon to show everyone.

Ash liked the sound of that, many of his pokemon wanted to evolve for a while now and he didn't need to use his own evolution items! He then threw Flechinder, Dratini, Aurora, Gabite, Feebas and Servine's cherish balls into the air, Espeon by her trainer's side.

As his pokemon appeared at the small hidden clearing, Ash and Espeon then adressed them all. Some were awing at the new eeveelution that are supposed to be extremely rare in all the regions because only a super strong bond can evolve an Eevee into an espeon and some are congratulating Ash on his new powers - having seen the scene from last night on the screens of their cherish balls.

"Alright everyone," Ash started, gaining the attentions of the pokemon he brought out, "There is an evolution festival happening today, and I know that you guys want to evolve right?"

All of the pokemon he let out nodded their heads, and Ash smiled.

"I am giving you all a chance to evolve today." Ash said, earning several cheers from his pokemon, "Now then, everyone return except for Espeon."

Ash then walked up to the middle of the festival. It was 12:00pm in the afternoon and everyone was chomping down food at the food table while some of them are collecting the mega stones they needed for tonight.

Ash then went to collect the evolution items from a table. He felt extremely lucky for not using the evolution things his mom gave him yet. Who knows Maybe he needs them for the future.

He then got a Fire stone, two dragon scales, 2 newly discovered ice stone, a water stone, a leaf stone and finally 2 moon stones and 2 new fairy type stone which he stored away for sometime when he needs them.

He just stored away all the other stones he would be using when a sudden voice caught his attention.

"Trainers who has an Eevee or Eeveelution come and challenge the Eevee brothers tourament and the one who wins gets two Eevees for their liking!"

"Hmm... I have been wanting another Eevee for Umbreon and a rare Fairy type Sylveon that is only native to Kalos region so no one knows about it in Kanto for a while." Ash mused, and then looked at Espeon.

Espeon, having read her trainer's thought telepathically, nodded with determination shown in her bright purple eyes as she directly gazed into Ash's shining red eyes. Telepathically again telling Ash to enter with her.

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