Mega Milotic and Garchomp Goes on a Rampage!

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Group A: Solgaleo, Bonded Greninja, Mega Lucario, Dragonite, Mega Gardevoir, Mewtwo.

Group B: Rhyperior, Mega Garchomp, Alolan Ninetales, Talonflame, Grass type Ninetales, Mew.

Group C: Electrive, Mega Milotic, Lunala, Mega Tyranitar, Raichu, Mega Rayquaza.

Group D: Magmotar, Aurorus, Mega Gyarados, Mega Gengar, Mega Absol, Ho-oh.

Group E: Pheromosa, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur, Serperior, Meloetta.

Group F: Bonded Espeon, Bonded Umbreon, Sylveon Egg, Egg, Egg.

Pokemon used on special occations: Red Zygarde core

Notice: Not about if the pokemon is stronger or weaker, it is about Ash's sort out teams.


"Normal speech"



Last time the four guardians made two new friends - the strongest Gym leader of Kalos Clemont and the nicknamed 'Kalos princess' fairy type trainer Bonnie and the little sister of Clemont. They then went to professor Sycamore to pay him a visit, only to result in Milotic finding her own mega stone.

"Milotic, you can mega evolve?" Ash asked, completely in awe.

Milotic nodded her head as she wrapped around the mega stone tighter than ever, refusing to let it go.

Professor Sycamore was even more excited than Ash. "Marvellous! Let us all see the mega evolution of a shiny Milotic!"

Everyone then crowed around Ash, Meloetta, Lucario, Gardevoir and Milotic as they went out to the greenhouse where all the kalos starters and other pokemon were. Even the pokemon went to see the graceful and shiny pokemon, in awe at the beauty of the water serpent pokemon.

Ash took a deep breath, as he montioned for Lucario and his shiny Gardevoir to step back, he then released all of his pokemon too to see the mega evolution with their own eyes instead of the cherish balls.

In a flash, all of Ash's old and new pokemon came out, including his legendaries Mewtwo, Mew, Rayquaza and Ho-oh. All the people froze when they saw the legendaries and mythical pokemon come out of their cherish balls. Gary, Jirachi, Leaf, Celebi, Cynthia and Manaphy just casually stood there, eager to see the mega evolution.

Ash's eyes glowed a bright red, "Are you ready Milotic?"

Milotic nodded, as Ash the revealed the necklace that he wore around his neck. There was the rainbow wing and Arceus ring symbol. But there was not a single key stone there. Ash then put his hand on the rainbow wing, and it began to glow brightly like the light of mega evolution but rainbow coloured.

A few months back, his legendary Ho-oh explained how her rainbow wings can act like a key stone, mega evolving his pokemon that had a mega stone. So Ash didn't had to waste all of his efforts to find a mega stone. Same with Gary who was blessed with Lugia's silver wing, Leaf with Virizion's green feather, and Cynthia with a white feather from Reshiram.

"Milooooootic!" Miloctic shouted, as she was mega evolving. Her fins grew more slimmer, her scales grew even shinier and the crest on her head changed and grew longer. When she finished, she was divine.

"Milotic..." Ash whispered, as he took out his pokegear and scanned her:

" Ash whispered, as he took out his pokegear and scanned her:

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