The Fossil Pokemon

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Flechinder(M) - Shiny and Really big
Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves
Aurora(F) - Shiny


Ash was walking through the Virirdian forest, with Eevee in his arms and his other pokemon all observing the view inside of their pokeballs.

He was going to go to Pewter city then head towards Rota in the north direction. Past Cinnabar Island and past his home town - Pallet.

Ash was almost out of the forest when he heard a weird noise. It was like a swishing noise and footsteps...


"Ah!" Ash exclaimed, quickly forming his own blue aura sword in instincts and meeting it with the boy's Kanata. The boy was weak however, and couldn't keep the grip against Ash's own.


The Kanata was flung to the tree behind Ash, and was stuck there. The boy was awed at the amount of power Ash showed and got nervous seeing someone so strong.

"You know that you don't have to fling a sword around to get someone to battle you, y'know?" Ash asked, squinting his eyes at the boy, reading his mind using his powers.

The boy was surprised at how he guessed it right, and nodded sheepishly, "You see, you are the third Pallet town native to come here, and normally I fling my sword towards them so they will be at least a little bit intimidated. No harm done..."

Ash sighed, and pulled out a pokeball, "How about two one two battle then?"

The boy nodded, "Yes, allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Sumarai and I challenge rookie trainers to a battle here every time they pass."

Ash however knew this info already, having read that from his mind. Instead he just threw the pokeball into the field and out came Dratini.

"Draaatiniiii! (I am ready!)" Dratini shouted as she came out of the cherish ball, having seen all the things Ash and Eevee saw outside, "Dratin tini Dra! (I will not fail you Ash!)"

Sumarai looked shocked at a 'newbie' trainer having such a rare pokemon that only Lance, the champion of Kanto and Johto has. He then regained his position and threw his own pokeball.

Out came a pokemon which was brown in colour with two sharp horns on it's head. It had stick like arms and legs. It's body lined with spikes. The pokemon Sumarai has brought out was a Pinsir.

"Pinnnnnn... (Hmmmmm...)" Pinsir obsereved Dratini as it came out, "Pinsir pinnn.... (Not bad at all...)"

Ash, hearing what Pinsir has spoke smirked, really proud of his pokemon for training so hard for the past few years. He then adjusted his red cap, as Eevee jumped to the floor ready to cheer Dratini on.

"I'll start first, use Vice grip!" Sumarai shouted, as Pinsir darted fowards to prepare to land it's attack on Dratini.

Ash smiled, already having the counter move, "Thunder wave to stop it on it's tracks!"

Dratini obeyed her trainer as she focused her electric energy on the tip of her horn and then released a blue shockwave and it traveled through the air, hitting Pinsir and paralysing it.

"Pinsir, hold on and use X-scissor!" Sumarai shouted desperately, hoping not to end the battle really quickly.

Pinsir gathered the strengh into it's hands then threw himself towards Dratini, not caring that much about the paralysing effects of thunder wave and hit Dratini hard before Ash could react.

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