A Pokemon for Delia! An Egg hatches!

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Shiny Big Flechinder(M)
shiny Amaura - Aurora(F)


Ash arrived at The Pokemon Center and gave his pokeballs to nurse joy. He then went over to the video phone and dailed Professor Oak's number.


"Ah Ash my boy, how are you doing?" Professor Oak asked cheerfully.

Ash sighed, "professsor, I can only see the back of your head." Eevee snickered in Ash's arms.

The professor just noticed that he was talking to a blank screen, "oops, my bad, let's fix this up..." he then typed something on the screen then suddenly Ash could see the front of his face like normal.

"There, that's fixed. So Ash, have you caught any new Pokemon?" Asked Oak, "I bet that arrogant Johnathan boy 100,000 pokedollars that you will have at least one rare Pokemon!"

Ash smirked, he and Johnathan always had this kind of rivalry thing. That was mainly because Johnathan was really jealous of Ash's powers and The Pokemon he has got.

"Yes Professor, I got a Gyarados and an Amaura." Ash said, staring at the old Professor.

It seemed like the Professor has turned into a 8 year old child again as he danced in front of the screen joyfully, "Yes! Take that Johnathan, I get 100,000 pokedollars!"

Ash and Eevee sweat dropped at the scene displayed in front of them. "Alright then Professor, I'll be going."

The professor waved goodbye as Ash finished the call, he then dailed his mom.


"Hello, this is the Ketchum's resturant here. What can I do for you?" Asked an ever cheerful voice.

Ash grinned, "Mom, it's me." Then once he finished the sentence, the screen flickered to life, showing his mom's face.

"My baby!" Delia said, "have you caught any new Pokemon? Also did my gifts come in handy? Did the egg hatch yet?"

Ash smiled, "Yes, I caught a Gyarados and an Amaura while the egg is going to hatch very soon. Also I think one of the mega stones are reacting to Gyarados."

Delia beamed, "Remember to call us more often! Oh, and also, Mime Jr and Chansey are having trouble with in the resturant since there is around 100 customers a day. So please capture a pokemon who wants to work at a resturant for me, Okay?"

Ash then promised his mom that he would capture a Pokemon for her, and then he ended the call and went to lunch. Finally after lunch he would continue to follow the route to Rota.

30 minutes later

After Ash finished his lunch as well as his Pokemon, he then went outside to find a Pokemon trainer that challenged him to a battle. Her name was Lizzy and she was a stuck up trainer.

"Hey you! I challenge you to a 3 on 3 battle!" She said arrongantly, but then she caught Eevee sitting in Ash's arms, "Oh, and if I win then I will get that Eevee! I need a Leafeon that suits my hair colour!"

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