Mewtwo Strikes Back (Part 2)

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonite(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Minccino(F) - At Oak's lab ~ Normal type
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type
12. Greninja(M) - two bonded forms ~ Dark/Water/Fairy
13. Lunala(F) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Ghost type
14. Solgaleo(M) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Steel type
15. Pheromosa(F) - Ultra beast ~ Bug/Fighting
16. Lucario(M) - Sir Aarons ~ Fighting type
17. Tyranitar(M) ~ Dark/Rock
18. Shiny Gardevoir(F) - Mega Evolves ~ Physic/Fairy
19. Charizard(M) - Mega Evolves Z ~ Fire/Dragon
20. Blastoise(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water
21. Venusaur(F) - Mega Evolves ~ Grass 
22. Alolan Ninetales(F) ~ Ice/Fairy
23. Mewtwo(M) - Mega evolves X and Y ~ Physic
24. Mew(F) - Knows any moves ~ Physic

"Arceus/Other Legendaries."


"Normal speech."


Author's Note: I know that I am making Ash really powerful here, but I will need him to become powerful for the Kalos region. He will catch only 5 legendaries and also catch around only 3 pokemon in Kalos.

As for who I am going to ship Ash with, I am deciding to go with him meeting the girl before the indigo league starts. No spoilers on who she is going to be! :)


Ash gazed at Mewtwo, who was gazing back at Ash. The Genetic Pokemon can sense the high amount of power this human had inside of him. And can see that why Arceus chose him and gave him her Aura.

Then a sudden pink blur came out of the thin aura then attack Mewtwo, who dodged just at the last second, seeking to be impressed by the speed of that Pokemon.

"Me-ew!" Chirped the pink legendary cat, back flipping in the aura three times before facing Mewtwo.

""So you are The Pokemon I was cloned from..." Mewtwo said, as he put his hands together, "Two of us can not fit in one world, only one can!"

He then charged up a monstrous shadow ball and launched it at Mew full speeds, but the cat legendary back flipped again and then charged up her own shadow ball.

That continued on, with the clones Mewtwo had and other Pokemon that Ash had other than his Ultra beasts because they are from another dimension and cannot be cloned started to fight.

Minccino who went off Ash's arms was now fighting a head on head match with another Minccino.

Lucario and the other meanwhile didn't use their moves but slammed into each other or punching each other in the face.

The serpents Ash has used their tails to fight or either be locked in a head rampage.

Everyone seemed to be suffering because Mew And Mewtwo couldn't stop fighting. Everyone could just stand there and watch helplessly as the original and cloned Pokemon minus Mew and Mewtwo continued to fight against their own will.

Ash knew he had to do something before this fighting also destroys the world, so he grabbed the necklace he wore as it began to glow brightly with golden aura.

Red and Drake, who was still tied against the wall, saw the glint in Ash's red eyes and knew what he was going to do. They then all shouted out fearfully.

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