Off We Go...

6.7K 99 91

Group A: Solgaleo, Bonded Greninja, Mega Lucario, Dragonite, Mega Gardevoir, Mewtwo.

Group B: Bonded Espeon, Mega Garchomp, Alolan Ninetales, Talonflame, Luxray, Mew.

Group C: Bonded Umbreon, Milotic, Lunala, Mega Tyranitar, Raichu, Mega Rayquaza.

Group D: Aurorus, Sylveon, Mega Gyarados, Mega Gengar, Mega Absol, Ho-oh.

Group E: Pheromosa, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur, Serperior, Meloetta.

Pokemon used on special occations: Red Zygarde core

Notice: Not about if the pokemon is stronger or weaker, it is about Ash's sort out teams.


"Normal speech"



Last time, the four guardians of the earth led by Ash Ketchum the guardian of all Pokemon and Aura were walking calmly towards the cafe, ignoring all He people bowing down at them and the media trying to ask them questions.

At the Cafe

All the champions and elite fours members as well as Mr. Charles Goodshow and Scottt were sat at the very back of the huge cafe on a enormous table prepared for them. They were all waiting for the Four Immortal Guardian's arrivals nervously.

Lance was fiddling with the cape he wore as he spoke, "Do you think the Guardians that Arceus chose HERSELF would be really powerful to beat us with a single Pokemon?"

All the champions were about to say something, but the Mr.Goodshow interrupted, "I do not think soance, I have seen all four of them battle before, and sadly, they have only been a trainer for around 1 year even though they are the immortal ones."

"Even The Immortal Chosen One, General of Rota, Guardian of All Pokemon and Aura Sir Ashton A. Ketchum the son of Pokemon Master Red would have trouble defeating maybe around the third elite four. Remember, they are actually really young."

All of them seemed to agree with Mr. Goodshow. Lance, champion of Johto, The most powerful champion Green, who happened to be Gary's father and champion of Kanto, Steven Stone the champion of Hoenn, Wallace the champion of Sinnoh, Alder the champion of Unova, Diantha Cornet the champion of Kalos and finally The Pokemon Master Red Ketchum stooped chattering when they heard cheers.

Then the head of the famous cafe shouted into a microphone.

"Every one of the at least 150 gathered people around here, may I present you the fourth Immortal Guardian of the world, also known as Beauty Guardian of the sky and Weather, presenting Lady Cynthia Shirona!"

Everyone screamed mostly the boys when Cynthia and Manaphy sitting on her shoulder in her purple cloak that matched her blond wavy hair as she looked up, revealing her glowing purple eyes.
(Yes, I made her have purple eyes and the cloaks they are wearing are like the the battle chateau's cloaks, the ones in Kalos.)

"Coming is the third Immortal Guardian of the world, also known as the Mother Nature And Grass Guardian Leaf Leonri!"

Everyone once again cheered and screamed while all of them all bowed at the same time. Leaf was wearing the same cloak as Cynthia but it was instead blue in colour that matched her eyes as she politely and gracefully waved as she got onto the stage

"We have next the second immortal Guardian of the world, also known as the Land's Father and the Physic guardian Gary Oak!"

Everyone bows then cheered, as Gary walked onto the stage wearing a green cloak that matched his eye colour glowing green perfectly.

The Four Guardians of EarthWhere stories live. Discover now