Mewtwo Strikes Back! (Part 1)

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1. Espeon(F) -Bond Phenomenon ~ Physic type
2. Dragonite(F) ~ Dragon Type
3. Talonfalme(M) - Shiny and huge ~ Fire/Flying type
4. Gyarados(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Water type/Flying type
5. Shiny Aurorus/Aurora(F) ~ Ice type
6. Shiny Milotic(F) - From egg ~ Water type
7. Garchomp(M) - Mega Evolves ~ Dragon type
8. Serperior(F) ~ Grass type
9. Minccino(F) ~ Unknown
10. Umbreon(M) - Bond Phenomenon ~ Dark type
11. Sylveon(F) ~ Fairy type
12. Greninja(M) - two bonded forms ~ Dark/Water/Fairy
13. Lunala(F) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Ghost type
14. Solgaleo(M) - Ultra beast ~ Physic/Steel type
15. Pheromosa(F) - Ultra beast ~ Bug/Fighting
16. Lucario(M) - Sir Aarons ~ Fighting type
17. Tyranitar(M) ~ Dark/Rock
18. Shiny Gardevoir(F) - Mega Evolves ~ Physic/Fairy


"Normal speech."

"Arceus/Other Legendaries."



At Team Rocket's Lab

"Sir, the clone is complete." A man in a white lab coat with a red 'R' said to the 'sir'. 

The man smiled, "Good job Dr. Fuji, Mewtwo is complete."

The mysterious man had brown hair, carcoal black eyes, and wore a orange suit with a small 'R' a the pocket. He had an evil smirk that could even scare a Tyranitar.

"Soon, the entire world shall bow down to team Rocket!"


"Where am I?" A voice asked, looking around confused.

"You are in team rocket headquarters." The man said, as the purple cloned pokemon directed his gaze towards him.

"Who are you?"

He smiled, "I am Giovanni, leader of team rocket, and you and I from now on are going to live as equals."

"What am I then?"

"You are Mewtwo, the most powerful pokemon in the entire world!" Giovanni said in a tone that could send shivers down of Giratina's back.

"Mewtwo..." The pokemon said, "I am called Mewtwo..."

Giovanni laughed, "Now then, are you willing to work with us as all equals and as my partner?"

Mewtwo looked at the leader of Team Rocket with a serious gaze, "Very well, I shall give you one chance, partner."


"Giovanni sir! Mewtwo has gone on a rampage! He discovered that he was actually cloned and was just nothing but a servant!" A alarmed voice rang through the rocket headquarters, "He is destroying this lab and the rest of the other scientists' lives!"

"You have all lied to me..." Mewtwo boomed, so loudly that every single remaining soul cringed and shivered in fear, "Now I know my purpose, it is to destroy all humanity!"


Current time - Ash and his Pokemon arriving at the Pokemon Center

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