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                        'YOU GET OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW' Michael screams and I groan covering myself with the blanket like a cacoon.

'Wha-aat?' I groan shuffling into the living room. 'Seriously?' he mutters as soon as he sees me.

He shakes his head before pinching the bridge of his nose and signing 'you do know you're moving out today right?'

I shrug falling backwards onto the sofa and he groans again and I groan back in response.

'Calum and Luke are coming over to help' he says and I nod before feeling a heavy weight land on my stomach.

I groan and look up at Michael who is smirking at me and I just roll my eyes pushing him off me.

'get dressed' he tells me before getting up and staring at me.

I glare at him before giving up 'Fine!' I sigh shuffling back up to my room and throwing my blanket onto my bed.

I thrown on my leggings my black checkered button up, but on my ankle boots and quickly straighten my hair.

'ready!' I shout while I finish my makeup and I hear shuffling before he replies 'hurry the boys are here'

I groan and hop towards the door trying to slip on my shoes.

'Thanks for helping out' I say grabbing on of the bags from the floor while the pick up a few boxes.

They nod and I grin before throwing a few bags in one car and helping the boys put the boxes in the other.

Hours later I felt myself groan as I was still unpacking, I really didn't expect it to take this long.

I lay down on my new, may I add very comfortable, sofa and listened to the boys move around In the other rooms.

'Calum your phone' Luke shouts and I hear footsteps run across the room before a sigh and a few mumbles 'Let me put you on speaker, I can't hear a thing'

'Cal?' His voice echoes and I feel my eyes clasp shut at the sound of his voice.

'Ash, what's up?' calum asks before I hear him picking up another box and sighing.

'You wanna hang out? Sitting alone and crying about my ex does get boring and lonely after while' he sighs and I frown feeling my heart ache.

'oh um sorry to hear man, but I can't, I'm helping Laura move' he mumbles and I shake my head placing a pillow over my head and groaning.

'Moving?' he asks in disbelief 'Moving where?'

I hear Calum sigh before replying quietly. 'not far, half an hour maybe, a beach house, it's gorgeous really.' He mutters and I frown further before hearing him sigh through the phone and I decide I don't want to listen any longer and go upstairs to finish my bedroom.

I stand in the doorway debating for a few minutes on what to do before sinking to the ground and throwing my arms over my head.

Quiet sobs leave my mouth as his soft voice echoes in my head. I didn't know how to stop loving Ashton, its not exactly a simple task to 'unlove' someone, although it seemed to be for him.

Images of him popped into my head, his smile, his dimples, his cute hair, how big his hands were compared to mine. His laugh, I always loved his laugh.

'Think we're just about do- Laura?' Michael says behind me and I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders.

'What happened?' he asks calmly and Is hake my head slowly before standing up and wiping under my eyes and sighing.

'Thankyou, for helping out today. It means a lot but, I think I need to be alone for a while.'I say turning around with a short smile.

'Are you sure we-' he starts before I interior him.

'Michael, please I'm fine.' I beg and he nods and turns towards me, kissing my forhead and walking down the stairs.

'Boys we should go' Michael announces and I sigh following him down the stairs.

'Thanks boys' I say and they smile politely before coming over and kissing my cheek and hugging me.

'You gonna be okay?' Calum asks and I nod slowly and he smiles and follows the others out the door. I wave and sigh before turning back around slipping off my shoes.

I look over my balcony and begin walking down the beach. I smile slightly feeling the sand beneath my feet, the wind blows my hair back and it almost feels like I'm in a dream.

The beach isn't busy, its has a few people spread out across it but not many, I smile at the small children running down towards the sea and begin staring at the view.

I must've not noticed how long I WS staring as I feel my body coliding into someone else's.

'Woah wha-' I mumble almost falling backwards and gripping my hands onto someone's T-shirt.

'Sorry I, um I don't know' I mutter stating up at the beautiful person in front of me.

'Don't worry about it, are you okay?' he asks putting his hand on my arm.

'I'm fine, sorry' I mutter and shake my head blushing.

'Stop apologising' he chuckles and I grin slightly.



People Change // Sequel to Beside You // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now