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sorry if you don't like what I write, I can't exactly please everyone and im trying so yeah


I don't know how, but I was having fun, ashton was here and I was actually having fun.

It was either the drink or the fact that I was throwing a kickass party! Me and Michael used to go to loads of parties, but never really hosted that many.

I don't know why, our place just wasn't that big. But this is, and everyone seemed to love it, the party had seemed to move a little onto the beach as it began to get later on in the night.

I blinked a few times focusing on where I was and glanced around the room before noticing Ashton staring directly at me.

I raise an eyebrow making him break from his train of thoughts and giving me enough time to walk away before he could open his mouth.

'Having a good time?' Calum shouts over the music and I nod grabbing another drink from behind him.

'Jacob said he was looking for you' He shouted and I shrugged glancing around the room, 'He'll find me' I laugh and he smirks shaking his head.

'Did you do this?' I laugh when I hear the boys' version of American Idiot being played.

Calum starts laughing hysterically before nodding and singing as loud as possible.

I laugh as he grabs my hand and starts spinning me around while screaming the words into my ear.

'I hate you' I laugh before he let's go of my hand I bump into someone and I laugh further before looking at them.

'great dancing' Ashton laughs walking past me and I smile awkwardly before glaring at Calum who carries on laughing.

'Idiot' I mutter hitting his arm and he smirks taking another drink.


'It's called having a hangover Michael,maybe you shouldn't have drank so much' I tell him passing him some water and sitting on the edge of the sofa.

'shut up' he growls before taking the drink.

I shake my head watching him. His head flips back into the pillow as he groans again. 'I'm in the studio again today' he sighs.

'you're always there' I frown and he shrugs.

'We're working so hard, we just want it to be perfect. Ashton's always there, he seems to just always know what to write, he puts so much emotion into his songs and-' he sighs before glancing at me and stopping.


'He writes amazing things, but its not worth the pain he's in. You really should listen to him or the songs at least.' he says shaking his head as if he knows I'll say no.

'you make it sound as if he's the innocent one.' I mutter and he groans throwing the pillow on the floor.

'He's apologised a million times, and if you listened to him you might get why I'm defending him' He mutters before turning over and shutting his eyes.

I sigh again getting up and joining Luke and Kaylee in the kitchen who had almost finished cleaning. I smike gratefully at them, 'Thanks for helping'

'Its fine, can you go wake Cal and Ashton up though, they need to go to the studio soon' Luke replies and I nod making my way towards the spare room.

'Boys?' I mutter entering the room, I chuckle noticing them both slung across the bed, wow they're adorable.

'Boys' I repeat shaking them before Luke enters the room behind me banging two pans together 'WAKE UP ASSHOLES'

I laugh watching them both groan hugging the pillows. 'Ugh' Calum moans rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

'Ash' he mumbles nudging him, I laugh as Ashton gives up defeated and gets up glancing around the room.

'Morning' he mutters and I nod before leaving the room.

'What are you doing today?' Luke asks and I shrug picking a few empty cans up and throwing them in a black bin bag.

'Come to the studio?' He offers and I frown shaking my head.

'I don't k-'

'That sounds like a great idea' Michael grins walking past me aand I glare at him running a hand through my hair.

'I'm not sure' I mutter and Luke groans.

'Please, we never hang out anymore. And we need your help finishing the album' He begs and I groan.

'Maybe' I mumble and he fist pumps the air

'That means yes' Calum adds joining the conversation and I groan again shaking my head.

sorry, this is boring X

People Change // Sequel to Beside You // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now