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       {a lot of you already guessed the song so sorry and sorry its crappy and late}

                 Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Id been staring at the clock for over an hour now with the song on repeat, taking in every word even more every time.

I knew he meant it all, every word. This song was me, him, us. Everything about us what we were what we always wanted to be.

I guess losing someone isn't as easy as the make it sound. After trying so hard for months to make him disapear out of my life and mind, I was back again at square 1.

No idea what to do.

It was only that moment I properly looked at the clock. 1:42 AM

Surely he'd be awake, I can't be too late for me to do this, he loves me, I love him.

What am I doing I should be with him, I  should tell him.

As if my life came out of slow motion, I quickly jumped to my feet wiping my fave infront of the mirror before grabbing my converse and running out the door.

I don't know how long it took me, minutes? it felt like hours but eventually I felt myself stood outside calums house.

I felt my hands shake as the realisation sunk in, he's probably asleep, or gone home, how could I be so stupid?

I began to turn around before noticing a light flicker on downstairs.

Instantly I run to the door tapping quickly against the glass.

I squint my eyes trying to look through at the figure walking towards the door. Instantly its yanked open and I feel myself being pulled inside.

'Laura, what are you doing here its 2AM' Michael asks clearly confused.

'He, Is he still here?' I ask ignoring his question.

'Wh- Ohh, yeah all the lads are in there sleeping, I just woke up to go to the bathroom.' he explains rubbing his neck.

'Come and sit down, and you can explain why you're really here.' He sighs pulling out a stool.

I nod and start to explain from start to finish, everything with Jacob and the song.

I don't know what time it was when I finished but I know we must've fallen to sleep straight after.

. . .

'What do we do?' 'what do you think happened?' 'hit them'

I groan lifting myself up and staring at my surroundings, before squinting NY eyes and covering my face.

'Morning' the three boys say in sync.

'Not to sound rude but why are you here?' Calum asks smirking and I shrug shaking Michaels shoulder.

'Shit happened, I came to see Ash and then he was asleep, me and Mike talked and fell asleep I guess.' I mumble before getting up and trying to fix my hair in the mirror.

'Wait you came to see me?' Ashton calls following me and my eyes widen totally forgetting he was there.

I nod turning around ' I needed to talk to you, I know, I mean I heard-' I mumble before being interrupted by Calum.

'Ash, Katie and Hayley are here'

He turns around and nods before frowning a little and shrugging at me.

'Me and Luke are going out for a bit, but you can tell me later?' He nods before attempting to hug me and walking out.

'Um, what just happened?' I mutter stating at Mike and Calum.

'they've got a double date today, isnt that great?' Calum grins and Michael rolls his eyes hitting the back of his head.

'Guess who listened to amnesia for the first time last night' Michael says groaning.

'Ohh, oh. Yeah, not good timing I guess.' Calum frowns rubbing the back of his neck.

'I guess I deserve this. I've lost him now.' I sigh sliding down the wall and banging my head repeatedly.

They both frown watching me, 'Come on, let's turn on the Xbox, that always makes me feel better.' Calum grins taking my hand.

I sigh again following him into the other room.

This must be karma, I left it too long and now hes moved on,  I guess I just expected it to be okay, but it never is.


I'm so sorry this is terrible.

People Change // Sequel to Beside You // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now