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'So where did the date even come from?' Calum asks laying down on my bed.

I grin searching through my wardrobe and sigh turning around to face him.

'You know what happened!' I laugh sitting down next to him.

'I know half of it, you didn't finish the story, what did you even say to him?' He urges throwing my pillow in the air.

' I don't know, we just sat down and started talking. He was angry and I found out about Katie, so I pulled him down and told him it wasn't for Jacob. It never was, and that I loved him, always had, and that I'd been trying for weeks to tell him but I just couldn't. And that's when we left, and went for a drive, he stayed quiet but smiled a lot, we held hands and he took us to this- I don't know park? It was dark and there was fairy lights, a few other couples and families were around and we just sat, smiled and talked I guess. We came home, and talked the whole morning which was when I promised him a date and well, here we are..' I finish with a huge grin on my face and grab a pillow and cover my face as he laughs.

'So you're happy?' He asks rolling over and wiggling his eyebrows,

I throw the pillow at him and sigh, 'yeah, but things always go bad for me I'm scared Cal.'

'Don't be, he loves you' he assures me and I sigh.

'It's just so difficult with both of us, we give up too easily.' I groan and he sits up laughing.

'Well don't give up then!' He says before standing up and winking at me before walking out.

I groan and stand up looking through my wardrobe all over again.

(A/N I'm not into the corny shit so if this is boring or short I'm sorry but I'm a boring fucker and yeah😂 if you haven't caught on I got the idea from the NightChanges video bc I was listening to it when writing this))


'I don't know how to skate though!' I laugh as he tugs on my arm.

'And? I think that's the whole point' he laughs while we line up and wraps his arms around me from behind kissing my cheek.

I roll my eyes as he sways us from side to side, 'oo isn't this cute' He laughs and shake my head pulling his further towards the desk.

'Size?' She asks raising an eyebrow at me and I blush mumbling '5'

The woman smiles and moments later returns with my skates and does the same with Ashton after he pays.

'I know it's a date but come on like I think we've been through enough for me to pay for myself.' I sigh putting on my skates.

He sits down next to me laughing, 'well I think I've put you through enough to pay for you' before smirking tying his laces.

I shake my head smirking and hold onto his shoulder pushing myself up and waddling towards the handles.

'Wait for me' he chuckles taking my hand as I side step onto the ice.

'Wish' I mutter slipping from side to side, he chuckles placing a hand on my hip and the they in my hand.

'I'm gonna fall' I cry and he laughs again pushing me forward.

'I've got you, trust me' he whispers pecking my cheek again and I roll my eyes imaging the smug grin on his face.

'You're loving this aren't you' I laugh and I feel his body push further against mine.

'Yup' he replies before letting go of my waist and standing infront of me. He tugs at my hand and I pout shaking my head.

'You can do it, slide your foot like I've shown you' he repeats and I sigh attempting to slide my left foot before slamming to the floor on my butt.

He laughs sliding down to me, 'you okay?' He smirks and I hit his arm pulling myself up.

'Don't laugh, idiot.'

'Says the one who fell on her ass' he laughs skating backwards as he pulls on both my hands.

'It's my first time, don't be mean' I frown and he chuckles stopping infront of me and kissing my nose.

Lower down I think to myself and roll my eyes following him around the rink.

'Now where to?' He asks pulling me to the side, I look down shrugging.

'Food, but I'm thinking-' he starts before I interupt him

'Take out, I don't want anything fancy and expensive Ash, let's just go home order some pizza and maybe watch frozen?' I say grinning and he chuckles pulling off his skates.

'Anything for my beautiful date' he smiles and hands over our skates and leads us outside.


Before I knew it we were back home, waiting for our pizza, cuddling on the couch and waiting for frozen to start.

'So on a a mark out of 10 how was this date?' He asks and I grin looking up at him.

'Well it's not over yet' I say wiggling my eyebrows and there's a knock on the door and I go grab the pizza.

'Sorry babe you've been replaced, my true love is pizza.' I chuckle cuddling the box in my arms.

'Just glad I was there in the first place' he chuckles pulling me onto him.

I grab a slice of pizza and stare at the screen as the movie begins and I glance up at Ashton again smiling.

'10, definetly 10.' I answer him, pecking his cheek and biting into my pizza.

He grins blushing slightly and pulls me further towards him.

'That makes me less nervous to ask the next question, but..' He starts as I sit up to stare at him.

'Will you be my girlfriend, again?' He offers biting his lip and I smile nodding and launching myself onto him.

Pulling away from the hug I quickly connect our lips before sighing, 'I thought I was too late' he mutters and i shake my head.

'You were always my true love Ashton.'


Forever loving your support guys thankyou so much👌
Ly all x

People Change // Sequel to Beside You // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now