nightmare (E&G)

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it was around 11:15p.m and you and Ethan were watching a movie, but you were really tired and you fell asleep. you start to hear crying, you roll over to see Ethan with tears streaming down his face. you start to gently wake him up, saying his name softly. Ethan blinked awake and started sobbing into your shoulder. you were rocking him back and forth trying to comfort him. you cupped his face and said,"what happened E?" he was trying to form sentences but his breathing was uneven. when he finally spoke he cried into my chest and said," y/n promise you will never leave me, i don't know what i would do if i was all alone." you immediately respond saying " i would never leave you Ethan, you don't have to worry." you looked at his tear stained cheeks and kissed him passionately. you broke the kiss and said,"i will never leave you i love you." Ethan responded," i love you too y/n" Ethan pulled to into his chest and you both fell asleep him holding you in his arms.


you and grayson were sound asleep, you both fell asleep really early because you were both exhausted from shopping all day together. it was about 4:00 in the morning and you start to hear something but your still sleeping a little, as you start to wake up you realize your boyfriend grayson was crying. but he wasn't awake he was sleeping you felt really bad so you started to wake him up, he woke up and wiped his tears away and put his face in his hands a little embarrassed you've just seen him crying. you look up at him and slowly remove his hands from his face...

"gray what happened..are you okay?"

grayson nodded his head, even though it was obvious he wasn't.  you knew he didn't want to talk so you just pressed your lips against his and shared a passionate kiss. grayson realized that he shouldn't have to hide anything from you

"y/n, i had a really bad dream."

"about what gray?"

"i had a dream that ethan was turning you against me and you and ethan wouldn't talk to me anymore and i was all alone..i-i had no one y/n"

you started to tear up a little seeing grayson so sad and just hugged him

"don't think for one second you would be alone i will never not be by your side, i love you so much gray."

"i love you more."

grayson rested his head on you chest, and you played with his hair until you both fell asleep.

a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed my first fanfic i like doing these so if this goes well i will probably do more lol

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