protective (e.d)

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"honey wake up it's your first day at your new school!"

you roll out of bed and walk downstairs to eat the french toast you mom made you. after you finish that you get dressed (outfit above). you brush your teeth, put makeup on and walk out the door to you car.

******skip to school******

you pull into the parking lot and start to make you way into the school and you notice everyone is staring at you. you've always been kind of insecure and shy so it makes you feel a little uncomfortable when everyone is staring at you. you finally made it to the attendance office and and they give you your locker combination, schedule, and school ID. so you decide to walk to your locker and get ready for first period; while your opening up the lock you look to your left and there is a group of guys walking towards you, you ignore it and continue placing your backpack into the locker and grabbing your books, pens, etc... you slam your locker and feel someone grab your ass you turn around and get pushed up against the locker and some guy starts kissing down your neck

"stop stop stop!!" you say while you try to push him off.

the weird thing was the group of guys were just standing there watching. suddenly the guy that was kissing your neck grabs your wrist and starts pulling you into the staff bathroom, but just before he gets you in there you make eye contact with one of the guys back by your locker and he saw that you were crying. he started running after the guy dragging you into the bathroom he grabs the guy by the shoulder

"Adam that's enough!" the guy yells

"shut the hell up ethan." the other guy says.

he lets go of my wrist and punches dolan in the face; ethan gets up and grabs the guy by his jacket and starts repeatedly slamming him against the brick wall by the bathrooms. by now there is a massive circle surrounding us watching them fight. you decide that the other guy looks pretty bad already so you try to break up the fight

"hey guys stop!...ETHAN!!"

ethan stops and looks at you and lets go of adam and he drops to the floor. even though you have never even talked to ethan you walked up to him and gave him a long hug i guess to thank him for saving you, ethan wraps his arms around you and you start to cry into his leather jacket. the principle Mr.Wood forces his way into the circle

"wow y/n you are really off to a great start here at Allendale high. all of you in my office now! everyone else go to class."

you ethan and adam start walking to his office; ethan sees adam start looking at you and he slips his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him.

ethans pov: i honestly dont know what it is about y/n but something just told me that i need to do everything in my power to protect her and not anyone or anything hurt her.


a/n: hey i hope you like it this took longer than i thought it was gonna lol

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