real friends e.d

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a/n: this imagine has nothing to do with the song i just like it lol

my alarm wakes me up on another boring tuesday morning for school. i hate school; your have no friends well at least no real friends everyone in highschool is just so fake. and im tired of it. i scroll through my phone for a while catching up with what i missed while i was asleep, about 5 minutes later i decide to get up and take a shower, and get ready. i finish doing my makeup and  i walk downstairs and say good morning to my brother i get in my car and drive to hell.

***skip to school***

you arrive at school and everyone immediately swarms to their clique, but not me i walk into the library and just sit by myself because i just hate the fakes. the bell rings to start heading to class so i start walking to my locker to grab my english book and i run right into the most popular boy at school of course. his name is grayson dolan and hes a total ass.

y/n: "oh im really sorry i didn't see you around the corn-"

grayson: "shut the fuck up y/n and watch where your going!" he says and he pushes me into one of the lockers.

graysons' twin brother Ethan sees, he's not popular but i dont know why he's just as hot as grayson, ethans just a nice person.  people see ethan as a freak just because he's smart, caring, and friendly unlike everyone else that goes here. i place my hand on my head and wince at the pain from the contact with the lockers. ethan jogs over to me and squats down next to me.

"hey are you alright? im really sorry about my brother." ethan says with a tender voice.

"no no im fine and you don't have to apologize for him." i say looking in grayson's direction.

ethan slowly gets up and puts his hand out for me to grab. i slip my hand into him and he gently pulls me up.

"hey how about we get outta here?" ethan says with a smirk.

"you mean like ditch?" 

"yeah! c'mon live a little."

"ummm alright fine but if i get in trouble its on you."

"yes! alright lets go."

ethan and i start heading for one of the many side doors, im guessing the one closest to his car. we exit nonchalantly and make our way to his hella nice car. he walks around the side and opens the door for me. i step in and ethan starts the car and drive away.

"so what do you wanna do now that we have the whole day." i ask

"i was just thinking we could go to my house and pop in a movie or something." he says

"okay, but wont your parents be home?" 

"no both my parents work."

"okay cool lets go."

***skip rest of car ride***

we pull into ethans driveway and his house is huge i must not pay attention very much because i had no idea they were even rich. we walk inside and his house is just as pretty on the inside as it was on the outside.

"what movie are we gonna watch?" you ask

"i dont know what kinda mood are you in?"

"ummm lets watch a scary movie!"

"okay" ethan says with a smirk

you both sit down on his couch and ethan starts the movie.

"hey do you want anything?" ethan asks kindly.

"ummm could you actually get me a blanket?"

"yeah sure." 

ethan grabs the blanket and wraps it around the both of you you cuddle into him and lean you head against his shoulder. 

***skip to end of the movie***

"hey y/n can i ask you something?"


"how come your always alone, and i know it's not because people don't want to hang out with you, because i've seen the popular girls try and talk to you."

"ummm i dont know its just i kinda don't wanna be friends with girls like them because their friend ships are always just fake and i want real meaningful relationships....ya know?"

"well if you want me i can be a real friend to you?" 

"i would love that ethan."

i cuddle into ethans chest and we spend the rest of the day just having a lazy day watching movies. me and ethan have been best friends ever since and it turns out grayson only acts like a douche bag around school. which is still kind of annoying but i stay out of it as long as he's not acting like that towards me anymore. and their sister cameron is so nice and funny me and her have grown very close too.  im so happy i found such amazing friends like these.

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