"they hate me" (g.d)

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you were in you and your boyfriend grayson's room scrolling through instagram and wandered onto grayson's account..you looked at this really cute picture of you and him, you were kissing his cheek and he had a cute smile. you started scrolling through the comments and some fans were being super nice and supportive, but others were saying hurtful things like "omg shes so ugly" "doesn't she know there's such thing as makeup?" "grayson could do so much better than her!" and so much more hateful comments. About four months ago you used to cut yourself because your parents would just tell you how big of a disappointment you were and you began to believe them and got into drugs and drinking you were a mess...until grayson. but you felt horrible knowing that so many people thought you were ugly, fat, etc.. you started to tear up at the bright screen. you put your phone down and went into the bathroom locked the door and grabbed a razor blade from under the cabinet you started cutting yourself repeatedly and heard footsteps coming towards you...


i was going upstairs to say hi to y/n but when i got up there she was in the bathroom so i sat on our bed and waited for her to get out but she was taking a long time. i started to get worried i knocked on the door..no response this is when i got very scared because i know y/n had very low self esteem like four months ago but i thought we moved passed that i turned around and saw y/n phone sitting on the bed and saw that she was on this cute picture of the two of us and i noticed the really hateful comments on there and immediately figured out what she must be doing in the bathroom. i started panicking and i raced to the door and knocked it down to see y/n lying on the floor with blood all around her, when i saw this i started sobbing i could stand to see this. i put her in the tub and tried to wake her up washing all the blood off of her. 


when you opened your eyes you were in the hospital and felt very weak grayson was sleeping in a chair next to your bed and he had his hand resting on your thigh you slid your hand under his and squeezed it and he blinked awake and started kissing all over your face 

"y/n how could you do this to me i was so scared."

"i know grayson i know, i promise i will never put you through that again."

grayson took you home and you guys cuddled and just talked freely about how you felt and he held you in his arms tightly without ever letting you go....

a/n well i hope you guys enjoyed this imagine i will be doing more idk if i should make a story or not...we will see lol

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