can i comeover? (g)

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a/n:sorry this is unedited 

it was 3:16 am when i woke up to screaming and fighting, my step dad abuses my mom and i. the only people who know i am abused is my next door neighbors ethan and grayson.  i tell my mom to leave him but shes too scared or something..she never tells me.  i hear a loud bang and go downstairs even though i know what will happen hes told me plenty of times, i dont care i need to help my mom. my mom sees me and looks away.

"y/n what the fuck are you doing down here?!" my step dad says walking closer to me

"leave my mom the fuck alone!"

 after he heard what i said his face changes from mad to furious..i start to back away after i said that because i was scared. he grabbed my wrist and started punching me in the face, after the third or fourth punch i blacked out.  

i woke up and my dad wasn't home...thankfully i start walking and have an immediate headache i walk upstairs to my bathroom and see that my face is swollen and i have a huge black eye. my step dad usually doesn't punch me near my face because he doesn't want anyone to notice obviously. i clean up the cuts and walk to my room and tidy up a bit and take a nap. 

i wake up to my door bell ringing, i assume its my mom she always loses the key to our house. i forget all about the bruises and cuts and when i walk down the stairs and see grayson, i open the door and smile at him when i do that my face hurts really bad i remember and immediately turn around and start walking away hoping he didnt notice yet but how wouldnt he? i felt grayson grab my wrist and turn me around but i wouldn' t budge... grayson walked around me and lifted my chin with his fingertips.  

"y/n...this is really bad, what did he do?" he says looking at me with sympathy.

"well i heard my mom fall or something and i went downstairs and he started punching me i think...i dont really remember..i blacked out."

"come here."

grayson pulled me in for a gentle hug, trying not to hurt my bruises. i tried not to cry because i hate when people see me cry but i couldn't help it after feeling graysons embrace. grayson pulled away and brought me to my bathroom and cleaned me up. after we hung out for a while he went home. everytime grayson leaves my house i feel alone and unloved. the twins are my only friends.....the only ones who care about me.

after a few more weeks of getting abused ive had it my mom obviously doesnt care about me because if she did she would want to leave my step dad...for the both of us. after the night my step dad punched me in the face grayson made me promise to come over whenever they fought and ignore my dad if he tried to stop me, grayson said he wouldn't touch me when i went outside because he wouldn't risk getting seen. so i did what grayson said.  that night my step dad and my mom were fighting and i texted grayson.

"can i come over? its okay if it's too late or something."

"of course you can."

i tried to sneak out without being seen by my dad but he saw me walking down he hallway to the front door .when i got to the front door though i realized i started crying because i was leaving my mom all alone with him. he started yelling, but i listened to grayson and just kept walking hoping he wouldnt follow me outside. grayson was right he reached the front door and just slammed it shut. i walked next door to the dolans house. grayson was waiting for me with the door open. 


i waited for y/n to get to my house and when i saw her she had puffy, watery eyes. i hugged her and we walked to my room hand in hand. i told my mom about y/n and she said it was okay for her to come over whenever. me y/n and ethan all watched movies in my room and cuddled. after about and hour or so ethan and y/n were both sleeping so i walked to my parents room and woke up my mom and asked if y/n could just move in with us since her parents are so cruel. she tiredly agreed and i walked back to my room with a big smile on my face.


you wake up the next with ethan and grayson beside you. im always so happy with them, they are my best friends, but theres this thing going on between me and grayson i think i might have a crush on him...theres no way he could like me back though he thinks were just friends. that thought puts me in a kind of sad mood for a while. grayson sits up and looks at me and kisses me on the cheek. me and grayson walk downstairs and his mom makes us some breakfast, it was so delicious. grayson said he has a suprise for me but i'm not done eating yet i am starving!! grayson didn't care he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs. he puts me down and tells me to cover my eyes. he walks me down the hall a little bit and walks into a room, a few seconds later he said i could open my eyes...                                                                                i was so surprised by what i saw, they basically brought my room to their house. 

"so what do you think? i stayed up last night when you fell asleep and told your parents you are staying with us now and brought all your stuff here..."



grayson walked closer to me and pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me passionately. 

"y/n i have had a crush on you for the longest time, and i wanted to do that since we became friends all those years ago. i love you y/n."

"i love you too much."

for the rest of the day grayson and i spent the day in my new room just cuddling and making new memories together.

a/n:sorry if this is long....i got carried away

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