breakup (both)

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your upstairs in your bathroom getting ready because you and your boyfriend are going to this end of the year party since you and most of your friends are going to college in a few months. your boyfriend jimmy is downstairs and you can't wait for him to see what your wearing because if you must say you are looking very hot. you finish putting on your makeup and walk down you stairs to see jimmy texting on his phone not really paying any attention to you.

"who ya textin?" you ask

"oh its uh uh no one." jimmy says quickly shoving his phone in his back pocket

"ummm okayy."

"so are you ready to go yet or what." he says seeming anxious.

"yeah lets go."

***skip to party***

you and jimmy arrive at the party and there are lights flashing, music playing, and just people everywhere. your best friend Sarah was hosting the party so you wanted to go find her and see if she needed help with anything.

"hey i'm gonna go look for good here?"

"oh yeah yeah you do that i'll be fine."

"okay..." you say

you say goodbye to jimmy as you go through the crowd of people and bump into your best guy friends, ethan and grayson. they are your very bestest friends and you know you can trust them with anything because they have always been there for you when you needed them most.

"hey y/n!" they say at the same time.

"hey guys are you having fun?"

ethan nodds his head.

"well thats good have either of you seen sarah by any chance?"

"yeah i saw her go upstairs." grayson says simply.

"okay thanks guys, i wanna make sure she doesn't need my help with the party or anything...i'll talk to you guys later."

"okay see ya!" ethan says

you start squeezing your way through the crowd and you finally get to the stairs, but there's even a line to go up there for the bathroom. you try to get past everyone but only a few people will move out of your way. so you just decide to wait in the line. about 10 minutes later you are walking down the hallway to sarahs room. you open the door and see sarah about to unbuckle jimmys pants

"are you fucking kidding me?! this can't be happening right now! i came up here to see if your okay and i see my bestfriend about to have sex with my EX boyfriend by the way." you say as you turn around and slam the door.

you run back down the hallway with tears streaming down your face and push through the crowd on your way down the stairs not caring as you did walking up. while you were pushing through the crowd in the living room to get to the front door you run into the twins. you mumble sorry not seeing who it was and try to keep going but you feel someones grip around your wrist. you turn around and see grayson staring into your red puffy eyes and he pulls you into a hug.

"hey, hey y/n what happend..whats wrong?" gray says in a soothing voice

"i walked in on jim-jimmy cheating on me..w-with sarah." you say now sobbing into grays sweatshirt

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